Labs Dexter
Well-Known Member
Okay I do defoliate but if I say it's good I have shit loads people jumping down my throat.Ok im advocate defoliation in your last post but blame it for a problem here?I dont know where you stand on this subject. Ill stick with a happy middle ground as it has worked for me, no extra stuff to buy and feed the plants
So it's best for me to say no to defoliation.
But what I found out if you do defoliate honey works miricale because when you trim the plant grows slower and the photosynthesis gets done by sugar leafs they get pushed out.
That's from what I have seen the plants do every time I defoliate.
A friend told me not to do that and grow a plant differently by not trimming just spreading...
So I done that and I have to say my buds are huge for week 3 on Friday lol
Its a catch 22 but that's how I managed to defoiliate and still keep the plant growing is by using honey.
But if use honey and nutes without defoliation it's a boomer so far
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