flowering with CFL's??


Active Member
As for Veg.. welcome to my 'veg' room...

High tech state of the art lighting system...

Room 24/7 (mobile, any socket will do, plants fit perfectly under)

The perfect amount of light to grow right to the stage I like to flower.

Any more and she will grow right out of the pot.. I've this 'ghetto' stuff down to a science.. *L*


Well-Known Member
I never understood why people spend the same money if not more on CFL as it would cost to run HID with a fan.
simple man, space an heat im in a cab, height restriction means I would have to do 12 12 from seed (2'x4'x5')
with 400 watt hps cool tube max. now im using 420 watts of cfl can veg out my plants for what i think is probably a better yeild. plus not dealing with all that heat,nothing I'd like more than though to have the opportunity to run a 1000 watt hid or 2 but won't anytime soon.