Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

Wow. I actually did stop by your thread and I am impressed. Everything looks very calculated and well thought out, as it should.

About how much was the cost of your setup if you don't mind me asking?

Hi Nick! Thanks for stopping by. The rooms are still a work in progress.

Here's a cost breakdown on the UC system.

9 totes 45$
950gph water pump 105$
180lpm air pump 150$
airstones 70$
uniseals 80$
plumbing 125$
net pots 10$
Scrog parts 100$
IR backed 1" foam 10$

695$ or so
Specialty tools to build the system had to be bought as well.
I also purchased a 1/4hp water chiller for 500$ and a 90 gallon rez for 75$

Happy growing

620 ppm
5.5 Ph
65*F h2o

+ 5 gallons water
+ 9 tsp Supernatural Bloom
+ 2 ml Drip Clean
+ 6 cups Heisenberg tea

Rearranged dehumidifier draining to UC system, Ph 5.4, PPM 14
added 4 bulbs to the T5




Very very nice :-) Looks clean.
Subbed and will put in a few reading through, looks worth it.

Thanks WhoDat'!
I set my flower room up to be sealed + co2, I do not have co2 yet so I'm trying to get as much fresh air exchange as possible during lights on, I'm concerned about it during lights off though.

Happy growing
Thanks WhoDat'!
I set my flower room up to be sealed + co2, I do not have co2 yet so am trying to get as much fresh air exchange as possible during lights on, I'm concerned about it during lights off though.

Happy growing

What concerns you about the lights off? No need for co2 at night.

This room is sick btw. Im sure you knew that lol
Lovin the tree trunks on the last page....those are always my favorite pics with scrog and LST.

The stems just get so gnarled and twisted when you scrog em....It makes me imagine a forest with 50 foot ganja trees :weed:.....if only

keep up the good work:clap:
Lovin the tree trunks on the last page....those are always my favorite pics with scrog and LST.

The stems just get so gnarled and twisted when you scrog em....It makes me imagine a forest with 50 foot ganja trees :weed:.....if only

keep up the good work:clap:

That made me smile........ my cheeks are a little sore!
Thanks Rich!
hey whats up man, i like your style i built a similar system a week ago and my clones have been in it veggin for 7 days now, i started them out at 600 and cut it back to 500 im using bonticare problend, do u think thats too high for first week?
hey whats up man, i like your style i built a similar system a week ago and my clones have been in it veggin for 7 days now, i started them out at 600 and cut it back to 500 im using bonticare problend, do u think thats too high for first week?

Thanks for posting Moose.
I've never used botanicare! but it seems High to me.

Happy growing!

So did Placebo do this song first?

Btw looking sick man as usual.. can't wait to see some nugs.

I think it's a Kate Bush song.
Thanks man!
You & me both!

65*F h2o

added a 1000w Xtrasun magnetic ballast, all systems cord set & a vented hood.
3324 total watts of lighting in the room now.



Hi Nick! Thanks for stopping by. The rooms are still a work in progress.

Here's a cost breakdown on the UC system.

9 totes 45$
950gph water pump 105$
180lpm air pump 150$
airstones 70$
uniseals 80$
plumbing 125$
net pots 10$
Scrog parts 100$
IR backed 1" foam 10$

695$ or so
Specialty tools to build the system had to be bought as well.
I also purchased a 1/4hp water chiller for 500$ and a 90 gallon rez for 75$

Happy growing


Why are your uniseals so expensive? I found some rubber ones online for like less than 20$ per if I recall correctly. I plan on doing something similar to this.... how easy was it to install the mag drive water pump? How did you seal/connect the PVC pipes?
Nice and clean, well done bro. You could drop your H2o temp to 62/63 to get a little more DO for the roots and less hospital to root rot. I even drop it to 59 in the last 10 days and that helps produce more colour in the plants. One of my plants turns bright purple, way cool.

Why are your uniseals so expensive? I found some rubber ones online for like less than 20$ per if I recall correctly. I plan on doing something similar to this.... how easy was it to install the mag drive water pump? How did you seal/connect the PVC pipes?

Way to introduce yourself!
I payed about $3.60 per uniseal x 18.
You can find them here:http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/store/2-uniseal-bulkhead-alternative.html#
There was not much to installing the water pump 2 threaded/ barb end fittings.
On my Pvc to Pvc connections I used cleaner & Pvc cement.

Thanks for dropping by good luck on your build!

Nice and clean, well done bro. You could drop your H2o temp to 62/63 to get a little more DO for the roots and less hospital to root rot. I even drop it to 59 in the last 10 days and that helps produce more colour in the plants. One of my plants turns bright purple, way cool.

Thanks Woodsman!
I might do that.... I was planning on dropping temps the last few weeks.
How's your new room coming along?

I have to get a few things off my chest.

I've been seeing a lot of news about Mexican Drug Cartels using all sorts of nefarious schemes to get there black market CASH crop across the border. There methods include recruiting your sons and daughters to drive there ditch weed across the border not caring what becomes of them, Surgically implanting drugs in puppies, Stealing, killing, robing & raping, anything you as a decent human would never think of doing!... The Failed War on Drugs has led to someone taking that roll because it's easy and profitable!... When we make/live by laws that are contrary to everyday life/nature this is what we end up with. In a way we are reaping what we sow, getting what we are asking for!.. And there laughing all the way to the bank, and Yes.. that includes your beloved well known intrenched politician. Everyday we waste keeping drugs illegal is another day our country is less safe! Another day we war against ourselves! Another day we don't put real resources to real problems. Another day other countries gain an advantage.

Our economy is like a balloon.. when we can't make something it's like a pinhole draining cash from out economy, Non native Energy! hugepin hole!.. N.A.F.T.A! Huge pinhole..., Privatized anything in government!.. Huge pinhole!.., Illegal anything!.. Huge pin hole! All this Drains money from our economy making us as a society weak.

Isn't it time to put an end to Drug regulations based on lies started in the 1900's! It's no different than the weapons of mass destruction this country bought into taking us down the path we're at now. How much is it worth? Is it worth bankrupting the country to put everyones child in jail? Is it worth society turning away from what you can do for others To only what you can do for yourself?

God put cannabis on this earth!.. Man trying to eradicate cannabis goes against nature. Anyone forcing another to go against natural laws is wrong. Our four fathers fought so no one in this country would be ruled by a king or a pope!, so you would be free to find your own pursuit of happiness.

Rant over.
Not trying to stir any flames, but that's why I'm voting for Ron Paul.

The War on Drugs is a sham; we obviously didn't learn anything from Prohibition. The reason why there is even a criminal element attached to marijuana stems from the fact that it is illegal and people are going to find ways to get it on the informal market.