Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

Always mate always, im looking into to borrowing another 400 today to put in with my girls fingers crossed he lends me it :)
Yeah I hear you! I lent out a 400mh and the guy is taking forever to buy one of his own & I could really use it for flowering right now.

well.. he's just starting out, and he has all his clones under it so I'd feel lick a dick. I have a light mover I might put it on when I get it back.

Light mover Hummmm, I used them for a year but all they did was make smaller plants. In my experience you spread the light over a larger area but for a shorter time. For example a 1000w over 20 plants on a 4x4 = 1 pound, add a light mover and 20 more plants, so light mover over 4x8 with 40 plants = 1 pound. So I don't use them, not worth it IMHO.
Light mover Hummmm, I used them for a year but all they did was make smaller plants. In my experience you spread the light over a larger area but for a shorter time. For example a 1000w over 20 plants on a 4x4 = 1 pound, add a light mover and 20 more plants, so light mover over 4x8 with 40 plants = 1 pound. So I don't use them, not worth it IMHO.

I hear you on that eh!
I have 3 stationary 1000 watter's that take up most of the useable space, a 400w mh isn't going to add much overall but I figure if I move the blue light around it would benefit the whole room instead of a third.

dood ur setup rocks ur gonna have a kushalicious crop.. btw i live your lst screens that is AWESOME!! i found one of them behind the walgreeens by my house.. i need more.. where did you buy them??
dood ur setup rocks ur gonna have a kushalicious crop.. btw i live your lst screens that is AWESOME!! i found one of them behind the walgreeens by my house.. i need more.. where did you buy them??

Wow that's a lot of typos, I think your asking me where I got the stainless steel screens I have under my plants? Lowe's, please don't steal.

If u can't get co2 u can boil a pot of water set it in ur grow room and drop some dry ice in it and it works just as good as straight co2