

Well-Known Member
They look Really Healthy! Good Work. Quick question Why did you start flowering so early? Are you doing the Sea of Green Method or what?
Thanks Smot. I started flowering at about a foot. It's a new mix of a well known California indica crossed with a really nice sativa/indica male. The female was really short and stout and the father was bushy but very tall. They were crossed for the high and flavor but the source of the seeds isn't sure what traits will be inherited. In case the sativa took over I didn't want to grow them 2 feet tall and then have them double at flowering.

This might be a hearty plant that produces crap but given the awesomeness of the parents I'm pretty sure these plants will produce some rock star nugs.


Well-Known Member
u might get a few hermies because you flowered them at 2 weeks and they aren't fully mature to flower. Switching the light to 12/12 to soon can stress their development. You really need to wait at least 4-5 weeks from seed.

But those look nice. Nice grow I hope you don't get anymore hermies and only ladies.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
u might get a few hermies because you flowered them at 2 weeks and they aren't fully mature to flower. Switching the light to 12/12 to soon can stress their development. You really need to wait at least 4-5 weeks from seed.

But those look nice. Nice grow I hope you don't get anymore hermies and only ladies.

Good luck.
Damn, I didn't know that. This is my first time ever starting from seed. Now I know. Thanks for the tip


Well-Known Member
Today is day 10 of flowering. Not off to a good start.

2 more males and one female. The other 2 females I have turned hermie and the new female looks like it may have a sac starting to show.

So far I have had 4 males and 2 hermies that I chopped and threw away. I have 1 female now that might be a hermie and 17 that haven't shown sex yet.

Do males and hermies usually show before females or am I just having bad luck?



Well-Known Member
Today is day 10 of flowering. Not off to a good start.

2 more males and one female. The other 2 females I have turned hermie and the new female looks like it may have a sac starting to show.

So far I have had 4 males and 2 hermies that I chopped and threw away. I have 1 female now that might be a hermie and 17 that haven't shown sex yet.

Do males and hermies usually show before females or am I just having bad luck?
i think you may bee right about hermies and males showing sex before females, i had the same issue with my 5x feminized blueberry i have planted, 4 of them turned to be hermaphrodite and they showed sex 3 - 6 days before 1x female i have from DuchPassion:wall:


Well-Known Member
i think you may bee right about hermies and males showing sex before females, i had the same issue with my 5x feminized blueberry i have planted, 4 of them turned to be hermaphrodite and they showed sex 3 - 6 days before 1x female i have from DuchPassion:wall:
I would be happy with 1 out of 5. That would mean I would have about 5 females and about 2 square feet per plant. A 3x3 tray with 5 ladies under a 600HPS with a digital ballast should work ok.

I used to grow 6 blueberry clones at a time and would usually harvest about 1 3/4 pounds every 2 1/2 months.


Well-Known Member
3 females, 1 possible hermie, and 13 mystery plants left.

I have on possible hermie. I pulled off the only male sac it produced a few days ago and it has only been producing female flowers since. I am keeping a close eye on it. If I see anymore male related growth I am going to pull it.


Well-Known Member
Day 12 of throwing the lights from 24 to 12/12. I started out with 24 and have 5 females so far and another 9 still waiting to show me their stuff.

5 females
1 just starting to show sex. It could be male or female at this point.
8 have still shown no signs of sex

8 have either been male or hermie and have been pulled from the garden.

The females are in the center of the garden and the unknowns are around the outside. Since the females are already producing flowers I figure its probably best to keep them directly under the light until the others show me whether or not they are staying around for another 2 months.

The first photo is of the garden and the second photo is the plant that is just starting to show sex.



Well-Known Member
Day 14 of flowering. I started out with a bunch of males and hermies but things are getting better. Yesterday I thought I had a possible male but it was too soon to tell. Today I was happy to see it was a female calyx and not a forming cluster.

Here's the total count. I miscounted somewhere during my last posting because 2 plants were missing from my stats.

Today I have-
7 females
2 questionable females. I think I see pistils but it's too soon to be positive
5 not showing sex yet

They are all looking good except for one runt that has been a runt from the start. It's not looking unhealthy. Its just really small with thinner sativa looking leaves. Could be a random see that ended up in the bunch.

I have somewhere between 500-700 seeds of this strain. Is there a way to tell which plants are going to be heartier by just looking at the seeds? Does the size of the seeds, darkness, and presence of stripes have an effect?



Well-Known Member
cool setup, are you using a flood table? you flowered at 2 weeks right? and they were near 12'' tall?

well the ladies look great, ill be checkin back soon.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I checked on them last evening and had 7 ladies and 7 mysteries. Today I checked and 3 have shown me the good stuff. So here's the count.

10 females
4 unknown. The unknowns are really starting to show signs of being female.

WTF. All males and hermies for the first 10 and then nothing but females? Do males and hermies always flower before females or am I just having good luck in the end? I'm not complaining. Just curious.

One of the top colas starting to form is showing a lot of purple in the new growth. I posted a close up of it with the other garden pics



Active Member
u say u have about 500 - 700 of those seeds.. do u care to ship some out? i'm looking for a strain name but its hard to get strain name seeds in the states...


Well-Known Member
u say u have about 500 - 700 of those seeds.. do u care to ship some out? i'm looking for a strain name but its hard to get strain name seeds in the states...

Yeah. I thought I had about 100 or 200 maybe but started counting the little jar full that I had. I didn't get more than halfway through the jar and had already counted 250. That's when I realized I didn't have the patience to count of of them. It's crazy how so many can look like so few

Sorry. Can't ship them. I can't even tell anybody what the genetics are



Well-Known Member
males almost always show before female

Good to know. Thanks. I don't know if I'm going to do seed ever again though. Clones are so much easier. I have a ton of seeds from this one particular strain though so if it turns out to be a winner I might go seed again