Hi there everyone, this is my fist message posted up on here, I think its a really cool site. I was just wondering about my plants and when are they most likely going to start flowering (budding), I have been growing them out doors since May 2010 now and one of them I'm pretty sure is a female?, the reason for this is due to the visibility, of what I think are the pre-flowers that are coming from the bottom of the nodes, coming from the main stem. The thing is, just recently in my area (North West England) it has been raining quite a lot, and as much as I am aware that too much rain can be bad for the plants, they seem to visually look very healthy and green. I have been informed by a friend that if I was to get the plant under the correct lights now, that it would bud nicely. I'm not too sure whether to just leave it though, because it has done fine outside up to now. Another thing is, I am not sure of the strain and type, since as this was a seed that I got in some bud that I got one time,it does have very big leaves though. Can somebody give me some advice on what I should do for the best?