

Well-Known Member
when is the best time to start flowering, would it be ok to flower at around two feet tall? what do you guys recommend :spew:


Well-Known Member
It is dependent on what lights you are using and how tall your space is. Generally they will double in height during flowering some even triple so flower them when they are just under half the height you can let them grow to and you should be fine. If you are using cfl's I would suggest to not let them get to tall because your light penetration is just not there. It is much easier to get decent tight uds off of a smaller plant with cfl's. Good luck and let us know how it goes.


Active Member
hey if ne one knos kina lot bout the flowering stage i gota ?- i got 2 females under 400w hps, there starting to drop n get all droopy the bud part of the plant so is it too hot?


Well-Known Member
ya im using cfls, will they be ok in the flowering stage i know i should probablly get hps but i cant afford them. will i still get a good amount of bud on a smaller plant?


Well-Known Member
You can go to flower at any time you like...I have friends who flower 6" tall clones in sea of green. Most growers tend to use the 12" rule indoors because of space requirements (12" plant can end around 4'). BUT...it is my understanding that plants will show you when the optimum time to flower is by the set of the nodes. As you will notice your nodes are even (side by side) but when the plant reaches sexual maturity it will begin off-spacing it's nodes. This offsetting of nodes is the plant saying it is ready to go to flower. Also at this time (in my experience...limited to 1 & 3/4 grows) you can use a jeweler's loupe to look at the internodes (usually the 8th) and see it's sex...this is microsexing and for me it has been 100% effective. I am using a 13" ceiling so I let all my plants go until they show this marurity (with the white widow & northern lights I have grown they were between 12 and 16") and they also show micro sex.
So....this is my 2 pennies and what I have learned. Hope it helps.