

Hey Fam,

So i got a question and it may be stoopid. I got some seeds and flowering says 7-9 weeks do i actually need to wait that long. Buds look ripe already and have red brownish hairs. But mind you im only in 4th week of budding OD. Any thoughts ?


Well-Known Member
Hey Fam,

So i got a question and it may be stoopid. I got some seeds and flowering says 7-9 weeks do i actually need to wait that long. Buds look ripe already and have red brownish hairs. But mind you im only in 4th week of budding OD. Any thoughts ?
Usually you need to wait longer then that amount of time. Post some pictures of the plant, and the buds so we can see what it looks like. It is HIGHLY unlikely that its any where near done at 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Thundercat is absolutely right. It Is the equivalent of asking a doctor if you have cancer over the phone. Hes going to ask you for a little more information. Post some good quality pictures and we will be more than happy to help you out bud. Just don't use the same camera as people do when they tried to get a picture of bigfoot.


Well-Known Member
I don't know where you are located, but I'm at about 38 degrees N, and I've never heard of anyone harvesting at this time. In fact, we only just began to flower. So, take the above advice. Don't get anxious about it and relax. It's a learning experience, so go with it and observe.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, simply spaying with water, fog, or rain can wilt the stigmas. But, at this time,(early August) it's not a big deal. I've been misting the plants to get rid of pollen from the damn trees around me, but that will end soon. It's mostly by my own preference to keep the plant clean, but there is a defining point, that the misting is only exasperating the situation. It's still hot here and the moisture evaporates soon, so you have to observe your own plants. It's fun learning and not work.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Honestly yes you should go off of trichomes but not off the leaves but off the calyx.
However when you still have a majority of white pistils sticking out there is no point really in even checking.
Start checking when all the pistils havr turned brown and are starting to recede back into the buds.... like thisScreenshot_20190807-144432_Messenger.jpgremember that up to 25% of final weight can be added that last two weeks of growth.
Growing weed is a thing of patience and you still got several weeks to go.