fluorescent GRO enough

Ive been using a 400W MH light on my plant 18hrs per day. Last weekend I had to suddenly leave town for 3 days and not having a timer I unplugged the 400 light and put a couple of 4 foot fluorescent tubes in place. When i arrived back home my plant had grown like never before. Its like the 40W bulbs worked better running 24hrs than the 400W at 18hrs...

1) Should the 400W be saved for flowering

2) Can I use both light sources as shown in picture.

Any help...thanks..



Well-Known Member
you can do it either way. Your plants does not need as much light to grow but needs loads of light to produce dense buds. If you want to save electricity then use the floros When you use the floros your plant may not get as big. You defiantly want to use the hid in flowering
you can do it either way. Your plants does not need as much light to grow but needs loads of light to produce dense buds. If you want to save electricity then use the floros When you use the floros your plant may not get as big. You defiantly want to use the hid in flowering
That makes sense. Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
floros can be used threw the whole grow. you wont get as much bud but it will still work. just use 6500K for veg and 2700-3000K for flower.