Fluorescent Lighting


Well-Known Member
So I've got two seedlings roughly 2.5 inches tall in a closet. They each have their own large pot, but the pots are next with each other, and also the same in height.

Each plant is getting light two inches away from:one 4 foot 40 watt fluorescent going over the middle of the pots, one eighteen inch 15 watt flourescent from right above each pot. Dull side of foil is placed variously around them. The closet on the inside is mostly painted white...would that be ok without the foil around it? This is the light I will be ordering next month(the two foot fixture) for the remainder of the process. New Wave High Output Fluorescent Plant Grow Light Fixtures by Sunlight Supply at Home Harvest Garden Supply

Everything seems to be going ok so far, but how will my current temporary light rig work out? Is the light I picked out going to be a good perminant solution? This is my first time growing, I appreciate the criticism.



Well-Known Member
Hopefully if I keep it close enough to my plants, the results will be in the same ballpark as a HID lamp.

Will the plants like having a cool and warm bulb in the fixture at the same time?


Well-Known Member
5K - 7K Kelvin: Strong Blue Light
Promotes bushy growth. Ideal for rapid growth phase of plants.
Greatly enhances all-around plant growth when used with super
high output, high pressure sodium or 3K warm metal halide lamps.

Does this mean that I should use a mixture for vegetative growth