
i run 5000 L of cfls for veg and about 90,000 L of hps for flower. a couple of the pc fans would probably be easier. remember your gonna need some kind of exhaust on that box at least. a intake would be really nice also.
My florex is fluorescent I was explaining the wattage levels and conversion amount. The fan on the box has an exhaust setting as well. What I was thinking was having one window fan exhausting from side or middle of box and having a window fan fanning the light from the top of the box as well as my plant below? Think about and holla at me with some feedback thanks a million in advance.P.S check out a box of pops cereal the bag has nice reflective properties
ok ok so anyone can tell me if I use 2-23 watt soft white cfl from walmart and 2-9 watt will i see anykind of results in a 3x3x5 closet?

If i did the math correctly thats only around 5k lum.. and if not how many of the 23 watters do i need for good veg... i keep getting people saying f that go with a 400 watt hps or 2 150 watt hps... any help is good help
you'll need at least 8 or 9 of the 23 watters. don't bother with the 9 watters. That's why everyone invests in a hps. I did the same thing as you when i first started. If i had forgone the cfl's and just bought the hps right off the bat, i would have saved a lot of money and not to mention how much better the quality would have been all that time. You save about $50 going with 9 cfl's over a single hps. Is that little bit of savings really worth it? It's only the price of one 1/8 of weed. Also, think about the hassle of moving 9 lights over moving just 1.
danks bro danks... i figured it would be 10 or so but ehhh if im only gonna yield an 1/8th with cfl ill keep em going with this untill i get the hps

any idea if homedepot or lowes has the 400 watt hps?
i know they have the bulbs
This is your best bet. Best deal on the net for your money and the quality you get. Also, this place will stand by its warranty. Just pick the wattage you need. Multiply the number of plants you will be growing by 75 to obtain the correct wattage.
175 watter - High Tech Garden Supply
250 watter - High Tech Garden Supply
400 watter - High Tech Garden Supply
The price difference between them is negligible (less than $2). So I personally would go with the 400 watter, but you must think about your ability to remove heat as well.
P.S. Now that I think about, I don't think you save even $50 when you buy 9 cfl's.
the fans should be fine as long as you have a exhaust and an intake without leaving to much light out of the box. if you have a lot of light leaking into the room from your box it probably means that light will beable to get into your box from the room when your plants are on their dark cycle. which will lead to hermi's. you want it completely dark in your box when your lights turn off. ok hps system cheaper than florescents? if you have 400 watts of hps and 400 actuall watts of florescents its gonna cost the same in electrical ususage. the hps is gonna give ya more dense nugs in the end, IMO. but the flores can be done with nice results. some people like florescents over hps and some like hps over florescents. it all depends on who you talk to. there are good things about both and not so good things about both. personally i veg with cfl's and i flower with a 600w hps. its all personal preference. peace.
hey i just recently found the new fluorex flood light 65 watt puts out 500 watt very nice i did a comparison with some t 5 tubes and that light i used my smaller plant out of the two and in two days double size of the one i started week and half before leafs double stem double much thicker and healthier very nice light for price and watt usage u just have to take of clear plastic cover and keep about 6 inches away so its not to hot on leafs thx