6.5 is a little high for hydro. Keep things under 5.8; 6.0 is the highest my plants seem to tolerate without a noticeable difference in growth. I have read in many places that too high of a concentration of Nitrogen in the plant being cloned can slow down the rooting of said clones. I cannot verify this information personally as I haven't done a side-by-side comparison, so do with this info what you will.
That being said, we don't really have enough information about your particular setup which would allow us to draw an accurate conclusion. You are quite obviously growing in hydro, so let's start there. What kind of system are you using, i.e. DWC, Ebb n Flow, Multiflow, NFT? Secondly, what kind of nutes and more importantly, at what concentration are you running them at? Are your mother plants exhibiting signs of nute lock? What sort of cloning method are you using, rockwool, peat plugs, aeroponics? Are you using some sort of rooting compound?
Your problem may not be your mothers at all. Since you said "lately" in your post, that leads me to assume that in the past you have had success in cloning. Have you changed anything in your grow/mother/clone environment which could account for the difference?
Sorry for asking so many questions, but they all need to be answered so that we can help you figure this out.