Flush Or No Flush?Is It A Myth?


Well-Known Member

I am currently just about to complete my first successful grow and need to know what to do about flushing or not which ever the case may be. I have read that flushing is a myth and unnecessary and can be actually more harmful than good, especially for an organic grower like myself. I am using biobizz all mix and there own grow and bloom feed. Anyone got an idea?

Cheers :blsmoke:


Active Member
I'd imagine flushing is a good idea so that some harmfull the chemicals are being flushed out rather than you smoking them..


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the response. I shouldnt of bothred posting this i think now, its been covered allot. I think it is a myth from what alot of people say and all testimonials are logical. I think il just let her use up whats left in the soil and then chop it :)Id suggest you take a read of some of it to man!


bud bootlegger
its a myth.. what part of the soil are you smoking?? none of it.. when you dump tons of water into the soil, tell me exactly how this has one lil bit of an effect on what's already in the buds as i don't understand the thinking here.. and i don't mean to sound like i'm just talking to the op here, as i hear this all of the time and never understand the thinking behind flushing..
and some others will say that you need to only flush chemical nutes and not organic.. but isn't say nitrogen still nitrogen no matter if it comes from some bird shit or from man made ferts in some factory?? of course they are, so what difference should it make if it's organic or man made? i just don't understand that either..
so, once again, dumping gallons of water into some soil is going to do absolutely nothing for whatever chemicals are already in the buds, what so ever... and it makes no difference if the grow is organic or chemical ferts, chemicals are chemicals no matter where they come from..
just my two cents though of course..


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the response. I shouldnt of bothred posting this i think now, its been covered allot. I think it is a myth from what alot of people say and all testimonials are logical. I think il just let her use up whats left in the soil and then chop it :)Id suggest you take a read of some of it to man!
Nice work... keep up the reading, you'll achieve great things...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I think i would have a concern with synthetic nutrients, man made and whatever. You don't know what kind of shit they put in these things. Either way i don't think im going to flush it. It does seem a little bullshity to me ;)