I heard flushing only works if you use ice water and cherry coke mixed 50/50, use twice as much as your pot size, so for 5 gallon pots flush with 10 gallons. Next bury a banana 1” under the soil and wait three days, then 72 hours of complete darkness. Even with a small auto you will end up with 16 huge donkey dick colas, it’s science really. No need to look it up, I saw a dude on YouTube so it’s fact.
I've tested the sap as most of you will already know, i expect that nutrient in the sap will dry in the material and leave traces, htf can it not?

I'm well aware that you can't flush out nutrient as such but you can empty its vascular system..
I don't flush. The very concept is nonsense, put about by idiots that have no idea how a plant works. There is no other commodity crop on the planet where flushing is even considered to be a thing. Yet with cannabis it is a thing because stoners say so, oh do fuck off.

Just wondering do you also think using a “Truncheon” & a PH meter is nonsense too?