The chemicals you are flushing are salts. Salts are an accumulation of ions. A synthetic nutrient solution is literally just ions in water.

Troll harder retard

Dude are you naturally dumb or just acting dumb? Who ever said flashing was NOT getting rid of an accumulation of salts? This is the whole reason why i said i flush? ur trying to be smart by impressing me with everything i said i do? Shall we start again so you understand? I said i flush weeks b4 harvest so my EC is low as it can be. Make sense? Or u still believe there is no point and leave my EC high as fuk?

some people really wanna be involved so they just say things to look important but not know they actually contradict themselves..

Learn how to read properly b4 jumping into threads with ur make no sense opinion. Thanks Jim..
Idk man. Just hear me out. You ever for a science experiment put food coloring in a glass and put celery in it and watch it suck up the food coloring. I imagine that what ever is in the celery before it sucked up the food coloring water, was replaced.
Interesting analogy, but that's on a plant that's already been harvested and the inside of the stems are exposed... What happens if you water the celery plant with food coloring while it's still growing? Does it still turn colors? That would be a better representation of what's really happening.

Going with the original experiment, though, if you take the celery stalk out of the food coloring mixture and put it in a glass of pure water, or flushing solution of your choice, does the color go away?
Interesting analogy, but that's on a plant that's already been harvested and the inside of the stems are exposed... What happens if you water the celery plant with food coloring while it's still growing? Does it still turn colors? That would be a better representation of what's really happening.

Going with the original experiment, though, if you take the celery stalk out of the food coloring mixture and put it in a glass of pure water, or flushing solution of your choice, does the color go away?
I've actually tried the food coloring thing for fun with harvested branches. I tried grape juice too. The food coloring did add a tiny bit of color to the buds, but not much. It might work better if you added more food coloring to the water. The grape juice didn't really do barely anything. The blue food coloring worked best.

I didn't try flushing after.
This thread reminds me of my childhood, adults fighting and me wondering why im mildly turned on by it. That being said, i see no reason to flush, feed until chop. :peace:
Did I read & interpret this correctly, that you're using baby formula to feed your plants?
Yup, I use the newts as perscribed and add 4 scoops of formula to it. To a 5 gal bucket , before weed was legal, I worked for a grower , (construction, not weed related.) His name was randy he as since passed. But he had a 80 plant setup in his garage and another 25 or so in his attic. He grew ponic only, but one day I just asked him while gazing across all these huge plants . What is your secret randy . He looked at me and said, milk. It was his primary feed. He had a huge garden as well. Fruits ,vegetables. He used to send us home with bags of it. Fantastic stuff. Leave it to hippies to find this out. I feed all my plants with it . Cacti, herbs, tomatoes, corn, cucumber. Flowers. Ect. Works so good my wife adds it to the grocery list every month or so. And before you say it wouldn't absorb any of that. It's basically a compost as it builds In soil the milk fat breaks down with every water. And it has calcium magnesium, zinc , vitamin d... and a few others. I have tried just newts, and was very underwhelmed , I noticed a size difference . Not just with weed but watermelon and tomatoes too. . Any way , back to trying to take over the world.
lol @ the crusty sock flush thread.

I recommend “green” food colouring next time.
I did green, blue, red, and grape juice. The green actually did make the buds greener. Kinda a neon green tint. It wasn't super noticeable, but there was a difference in the colors. I just did it for fun awhile ago after reading about it on here.