

New Member
how do you flush a 8 week old plant its in a 5 gallon pot and i have read to use 10 gallons of water that to me seems a lot also can i use tap water


Well-Known Member
your going to get a 50/50 split on weather flushing is beneficial or a waste of time. most say its a waste, but in the end, its not their grow its yours. from what ive read when flushing use 2x ph'd h2o per pot size. 5 gal pot = 10 gallons of ph water. I flushed after I used some spinosad to get rid of some fruit flies. I only used 8 gal ph'd water per 5 gal pot when I did.


Well-Known Member
how do you flush a 8 week old plant its in a 5 gallon pot and i have read to use 10 gallons of water that to me seems a lot also can i use tap water
You want to flush?

you want to flush soil?

buds do not store fertilizer

Why would you stress your plant and hurt the flowers right before picking?



Well-Known Member
Don't flush it. Flushing is for people that have over fed in hydro.
Flushing soil is really dumb.
I do not flush anything, my weed, my tomatoes...


Well-Known Member
here is what you do. you over fertilized them. advice from some body that knows. use plain ph water . just water them normal for about a week 7 days. then go back to fertilizer, reduce your ppm so you don't get the claw again. and flush before harvest. you use plain ph water, and water as needed for about 7 to 14 days, this get the fertilizer out so you don't get that garbage into your system. you don't want friends family having fertilizer in there system, let these other guys get sick from it. that's why you flush with plain water last 7 or more days of harvest. with hydro. you plain ph water for 4 days or more is fine.


Well-Known Member
for people that don't , flush soil before harvest, have you ever had it tested ? no you have not . the buds do have fertilizer in them ! years ago I did not flush mine. and smoked one and you could taste it in the product very strong , so it was a waste !, so I flush because I care about my family and friends, im willing to use (PLAIN) water for at least 4 days, min. before harvest. just because you don't know how to grow ( medical) quality, meds don't tell people not to flush. if you want to smoke chemicals . why smoke weed ? why not save some time smoke crack , or snort bath salts, educate your self some before telling people there stupid because they want to flush. do your self a favor. send a sample to iron labs get it tested and watch your sample come back unsafe for use !, or if your just to fucked up to change, keep having fertilizer in your lungs and blood and in a few years you will get sick from it. hopefully before you have kids so we don't have more ignorant people in the world . like pree abortion . I suggest every body reads about flushing. http://www.cannabis.info/UK/library/2810-flush-it-dont-rush-it/


Well-Known Member
here is what you do. you over fertilized them. advice from some body that knows. use plain ph water . just water them normal for about a week 7 days. then go back to fertilizer, reduce your ppm so you don't get the claw again. and flush before harvest. you use plain ph water, and water as needed for about 7 to 14 days, this get the fertilizer out so you don't get that garbage into your system. you don't want friends family having fertilizer in there system, let these other guys get sick from it. that's why you flush with plain water last 7 or more days of harvest. with hydro. you plain ph water for 4 days or more is fine.

Buds do not store fertilizer.
How am I going to get sick from smoking buds that do not store fertilizer?
How am I going to get sick from homemade organic tea used on plants that do not store fertilizer in buds?

If it is "garbage" why do you use it to grow plants?

I didn't flush when I grew in hydro and I definitely do not flush organic soil, that would be stupid.


Well-Known Member
for people that don't , flush soil before harvest, have you ever had it tested ? no you have not .

Yes I have. flushing is really unnecessary in soil. Why would you want to wash away all the beneficial microbes?
The problems you associate with not flushing are probably curing issues.

the buds do have fertilizer in them !

No they do not.

years ago I did not flush mine. and smoked one and you could taste it in the product very strong , so it was a waste !,
How do you know that was due to not flushing? It was more likely a drying/curing problem.
How is it that my unflushed buds taste and smell incredible?

so I flush because I care about my family and friends,
Buds do not store fertilizer.

im willing to use (PLAIN) water for at least 4 days, min. before harvest.
Soil or hydro?
Hydro needs food every day.
My soil only needs tea about 2-3 times during flowering. The rest of the time I water with plain water. There is no need for me to feed the last few weeks, so I water with plain water. Not because it needs a flush, but because that is how you grow organic weed.

if you are running 10 gallons of water through a 5 gallon pot, you are stressing your plant.
Why would I wash away beneficial microbes?

just because you don't know how to grow ( medical) quality, meds don't tell people not to flush.
My weed is better than yours and I do not flush. You are being presumptive and rude.

Who are "meds" and what do they have to do with anything?

if you want to smoke chemicals . why smoke weed ?
Every thing is made up of chemicals, including marijuana. Can you find anything to back up your opinion that buds store fertilizer?

why not save some time smoke crack , or snort bath salts,
Why don't you grow up?

educate your self some before telling people there stupid because they want to flush.
Grow up, boy.
I said it is stupid to flush organic soil.

do your self a favor. send a sample to iron labs get it tested and watch your sample come back unsafe for use !,
How come my weed does not taste like chemicals? How come the ash is white? How come it smells great?
How is that possible? I think your brain is unsafe for use.

or if your just to fucked up to change, keep having fertilizer in your lungs and blood and in a few years you will get sick from it.
Do you have anything to back up this garbage with?
Stop lying.

Do you grow organic?

hopefully before you have kids so we don't have more ignorant people in the world .
If you would rather we insult each other than debate this dead horse, we can do that son. No problem.

like pree abortion .

Your parents should have eaten your ignorant body while the bones were still soft. Even better, your dad should have pulled out. Have a nice long walk on Go Fuck Yourself Street.

That is a cute article, but it has a lot of problems.
There are a lot of assumptions based on opinions.

The article offers nothing no real information, just opinion.

Again, why does my unflushed weed burn with out sparking?
Why does my unflushed weed burn with a white ash?
Why does my unflushed weed taste and smell great?

The only decent part of the article:
"And, don't forget to cure it properly!"
Other than that, it could have been written by you.

Storage organelles, how do they work? Do you want to talk about transport mechanism of plants?
Buds and calyxes are sinks, they take food and do not store it.
The leaves can store nutrients (but not in the way you think).

Properly fed plants do not need flushing. Flushing just stresses plants and tyhrows off the balance.
The water near the roots is has more nutes, so the p[lant draws that water up to where the plant has water with less nutes. Second law of thermodynamics, I think. If you turn that upside down, ou really stress the plant.


Well-Known Member
this web site will tell you about flush. yes. smoke organic, you don't need to flush. that's why your spending hundreds on it. but for the chemical users like me I need to get it clean. http://www.cannabis.info/UK/library/2810-flush-it-dont-rush-it/
You are talking shit about my plants not being flushed when you use store bought, synthetic nutes?

My weed is organic. If you want to talk shit about good quality marijuana, you are not even in the same area code I am.

My organic is cheaper and better than store bought nutes.
I have grown both hydro and organic soil and quit flushing once I realized it was stressing my plants.
Even if you do use store bought nutes, you are stressing your plants by flushing.


Well-Known Member
Funny, running organic soil is the cheapest way to grow, for me at least. But then I mix my own soil.
cheaper and easier.
I no longer use my ph pen, my ppm pen and any of that stuff. I water with plain water every couple days and use a organic tea 2-3 times.

No ph, no ppm no fuss no muss.


Active Member
I use fucking miracle grow on my plants anymore, chemical city.. (although otherwise the soil and the leaves never see anything more than water, h20 and ISO for pest and maintenance control)

I do not flush, I have flushed, I will not flush.

There is no fertilizer in the buds,.,. that is just completely abstract. Hell, I do whole plant dry's and cures.. my plant is still alive and using resources for DAYS after I cut it, why would I want to starve it before the final gig is beyond me, I've tried, it is not beneficial at all.

My grass is connoisseur quality... period. If it wasn't the best tasting cleanest grass available, I would just go buy someone else's instead and save all the trouble.

This is just me, everyone else's own mileage may vary. Run side by side a flushed plant and one you don't.. you tell me at the end. I've done this several times.


Well-Known Member
If you are growing in soil, you should not be feeding at the very end anyway.
Just don't flush 10 gallons through a 5 gallon pot, that will stress the crap out of your plant.


Active Member
never thought of it that way now you got me thinking im confused
Thinking and confused is GOOD.. much better than not thinking and certain of something that is not certainable.. (that is not a word I don't think, but it should be.. certainable)...

Keep thinking.. and try lots of shit when in doubt, it's only grass.