Flushing and molasses Questions


Active Member
Hello to everyone, I am a first time grower and I am learning new things everyday! I am a few weeks from harvest so here are the questions I have. Do I need to flush my plant (I used no chems no organic) if I do need to flush can someone please tell me how to do it.

Next question is should I be adding molasses or honey to this plant? If so why and how much!

I am up for any tips!



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u dont need to flush if u didnt use any chems. just use molasses becoz u can. it'll make the buds bigger and sweeter...

if thats ur plant in ur pic then u got a long way to ago before flushing
Yea that is my plant but it has grown a LOT from when I took those pics! However I have no damn Idea what I am doing. This is my first time!
What does the molasses do?
How will I know when she is finished growing?
Ok I went outside just now and took a few pictures that way you can get a better look at it. How much longer? I had no idea I needed to count the days when I planted it! So I have no idea when she is done! I have read lots of information but I prefer to chat with someone!.


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You'll know when its ready to chop by the looks of the buds.

The tiny crystals (trichromes) will go cloudy then amber.
Do some reading and you'll find out as much as you want to!

It's a nice looking plant but some nutes would have turned it into a really nice plant!
Flush with water a few weeks before the chop. No need to count days from planting, just look at it...
Your pot size is fine, dont transplant mid flower.. might do more harm than good..

You didnt use ferts? no need to flush then.. for the poster above, just use well water, 2x the amount of soil in the pot (eg.. if you use 3 gallon pots, i'd flush with ~5gallons)

And the whole molasses debate is simply that.. a debate.. i dont know if it helps.. the thinking is that molasses provides simple carbs for the plant to use to build powerfull buds.. much the same as a Bloom Builder or the other high priced shit you can buy.. i'm pretty sure the ingredients are similar in both cases.. just much cheaper to use molasses

Personally i do use it because i have no prob spending 5$ at the store to possibly give me a slight increase.. a 5% possible increase in yield is worth alot when spread over 12 plants

And if it doesnt do anything, whatever, its only 5$

General rate of application is 1 tsp/gallon but it varies

Hello to everyone, I am a first time grower and I am learning new things everyday! I am a few weeks from harvest so here are the questions I have. Do I need to flush my plant (I used no chems no organic) if I do need to flush can someone please tell me how to do it.

Next question is should I be adding molasses or honey to this plant? If so why and how much!

I am up for any tips!

I leech my soil every month to prevent toxic salt buildup. If a nutrient lock occurs then utilization of the available nutrients by your plant is compromised leading to stunting of growth. Since you can not do that because you are to harvest, I begin flushing about 7-10 days prior to harvest. I use clearex with water most people just get by with water. The flushing amount is about 2-3 times the volume of the container you want to flush. During my flushes I still use molasses( I actually use molasses in the third week of flowering till the end at a rate of 2 tablespoons per gallon of water) with clearex and water. The multiple purpose of molasses are the following: 1) provides complex sugars to plant which in turn could increase yield from 5-20% if all other conditions are being met 2) it is a mild fungicide 3) provides positive soil microbes to soil. Hopes this helps and good luck.
Great first timer I would say, the stigmas look rather elongated maybe due to a fair light deficiency and they are a little stretched and could do better, I'd also have to say another 4/5 weeks on those, at least, you don't need to flush very much to leech plants that have not been fertilized, molasses gives the plants carbohydrates and simple sugars during flowering, just let it dissolve in the water I guess, I live in Italy and I can't find molasses so I use raw coarse cane sugar, more coarse than brown sugar, it's working so far, try something to beef em up a bit, in moderate doses.
Use aquarium water when flushing if possible, the best, it's like a final cleaning sponge bath for the roots that washes out all nutrients given over the growth period and replinishes with fresh natural water full of micronutrients to sustain her in final phases, I don't know what Clearex is but it sounds like Kleanex so I'll stick to the water change water that's been conditioned perfectly.
Does it have to be bottled water or can it come from the hose? I went out today and she has lost about 5 leaves because of yellowing and getting holes, whats up with that? However her flowering process is turning to buds and they look fine, leaves are looking BAD! Any advice?

I would die if I lost her right her are the end!

She is outside, so what do you think the coldest temp I should leave her out in? it is starting to get chilly!
You have about 5 weeks left. I would give her a a 5-10-5 or 10-20-10 type nute formula at about 1/4th the recommended dose. She is producing flowers and using alot of energy which is sucking the life out of the fan leaves. If your going to use tap water, fill up a gallon milk jug and let it sit opened overnight so some of the municipal shit evaporates...like the chlorine.