Flushing for salt build up


Active Member
After some reading I’ve concluded a nute burn.
Do you guys recommend flushing with only water than next time nutrients or flush with the nutrients on the initial one (minor salt build up)
I’m also adding a little cal-mag



Well-Known Member
were these pics taken before lights off ? plants look a bit droopy but its a normal beaviour few hours before lights out

i just see a bit too dark green plants, with minor tips burn
i would just reduce in half the feed for a few waterings

you can't rinse/flush soil accuratly, some nutrients are mobile inside the soil while others are not
all you will do is make deficiencies

the plant is fine, just look the color of your leaves to guess if your plants need more/less nurients, and adjust accordingly
you want a healthy green, not light green nor dark green

ah, and dont let the soil over-dry during veg mostly, or you will get tips burn, because each time your soil dry out the EC inside it climb, it's natural. but if the soil dry out too much it becomes too "hot" and burn tips
your plant is fine, its nothing