Flushing for too harvesting?

Holy crap I’ve started the debate again!

thanks for the help guys but after reading all the comments I think I’ll harvest the top buds without flushing them!

I may or may not flush the remaining nugs when they are ready.. but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there and stir up this old can of worms again
Oh yea. Frosted Shredded wheat. That's the crack. So you soaked it in strawberry jello..... that makes sense. They love the sugar. Must last alot longer than just the frosting.
Old school plain brillo pads for the cereal. Get a half galllon of water from the fishing hole. Mix box of jello in. Break off a piece to fill the palm of your hand. Close and submerge. Remave hand after about 30 seconds. Form a dough ball over a 3/8" treble hook. Enjoy the pink hand. Learned over 30 years ago. Lost or broke too many rods at 6th street dam on the grand river. Better go to fishing thread huh?