Flushing plants for first time is this natural?


Active Member
I’m on my 4th grow now and never flushed before harvesting so I thought I would try it this time. All my grows have come out amazing but this time it looked like it might of had some kind of deficiency but I figured with about two weeks left I would start flushing and leaves are looking worse now. Here are some pics is this natural or do I have issues?



Active Member
It just feels like those plants have way more than 2 weeks before they are done.
So the strain is jack herer auto and is going on 3 months now from seed. I have grown it before and didn’t have any issues but this time it’s weird because there is not a lot of orange hairs mostly white and not a ton of white either but I checked the trichomes and all cloudy and buds are big on them also. So I’m confused in what’s going on.


Well-Known Member
there are no brown pistils and calyxes look small. hairs should receed and calyxes should swell. Every seed is different, that’s why i like keeping cuts. as for trichomes check the ones on the calyxes, that’s what you are gonna smoke after the trim.


Active Member
there are no brown pistils and calyxes look small. hairs should receed and calyxes should swell. Every seed is different, that’s why i like keeping cuts. as for trichomes check the ones on the calyxes, that’s what you are gonna smoke after the trim.
These pics are from two weeks ago and not much has changed on the pistols but they have swollen up a lot more and more frosty. So I don’t know why the pistols are still looking the same. This is a 70-80 day plant at the most and is going on 3 months now. Maybe just bad genetics not sure.



Active Member
there are no brown pistils and calyxes look small. hairs should receed and calyxes should swell. Every seed is different, that’s why i like keeping cuts. as for trichomes check the ones on the calyxes, that’s what you are gonna smoke after the trim.
Also any comments on my original question about the leaves?


Well-Known Member
if that was my plant, i wouldn’t pull it (not taking its current situation into account) but it definitely looks terrible with all that browning and it’s gonna spread to the sugar leaves and make you buds look and taste shitty. Nothing to do at this point to correct it so do as you please.


Well-Known Member
Agreed they don’t look anywhere near ready to harvest. The leaves looks like excess K. What are you fertilizing with?