flushing question...


Active Member
so at the end of my 2 weeks of flushing, should the water (that drains out of the plant) be sorta clear? right now the water draining out is a light yellow....any help woud be sweet, thx ^_^


Well-Known Member
I just have a sneaking suspicion, are you nearing your harvest?

so at the end of my 2 weeks of flushing, should the water (that drains out of the plant) be sorta clear? right now the water draining out is a light yellow....any help woud be sweet, thx ^_^


New Member
First harvest - 26.5 pounds - Grown with 2 flashlights and a picture of the sun. 14.95 plus shipping for a how to video. !!!!

funiest thing i have read on here so far!!!