Flushing qustion


Well-Known Member
i do depending on what system i am using and type of nutes. in soil i usually do just to be safe and have a good fresh start for 12/12

note:alot of people go their whole grow without flushing a single time
Always flush before you change the food program , check the ppm or the water that comes out everytime you water , never go over 1000ppm , do you filter your water reverse osmosis?


Well-Known Member
how are you going to say never go over 1000 ppms. mothers ive had i feed with 1500..and in aeroponics systems i feed with 1600ppm..


Well-Known Member
I dont flush till the last two weeks of flower unless there is a problem and I just use regular tap water ph7 and add a few drops of lemon juice to drop it slightly.


Active Member
I personally have not had an issue with needing to flush. I am only on my first grow though, but have not seen any negative side effects. I amd just starting my flush now for the first time, for the last 2 weeks. I put a 75% nute solution in every watering and it seems to work just fine, if not more than fine. They are small trees, it feels like walking into a forest every time I enter my room lol.

Like they said, you don't need to flush unless you are having issues. I check my PH every week'ish and have never seen any issues with it. I only have strips, but they always look generally the same color. It is surprising what weed plants can take abuse wise and just keep going. Just don't go to many nutes, lowball it and it should be fine.


Active Member
Why would you starve your plant? I would NEVER flush unless you have a problem or you are within days of harvesting, the plant needs food.