flushing? should i??


Active Member
wutchoo think??

SDC12825.jpgView attachment 1198040View attachment 1198041

so if i do in fact need to flush (pH is a lil high too :/)...i was planning on using CLEAREX. i've never flushed in soil nor have i flushed using clearex...now i know there have been huge long drawn out arguments over if it works or not...or if it is organic...well i've made my mind up and if i have to flush, then ima use it too..

but question is...HOW?

i know that i need to pour an excess amount of water into these 5 gal buckets...i think 10 gal per bucket over the course of an hour or so?

so do i use the clearex hours before i actually flush the plant to give it time to grab those salts and get ready to head out?

so confused...aaaagain


Active Member
im thining you should give it enuff water/clearex to fully soak all the dirt one day, then as assload of plain water the next day, then the clearex/water again, then an asslod of water for the next few days, then a day or 2 with no water and yank em..!

thats what im gonna do when i start flushin mine in a week or 2


Well-Known Member
usually most people will say use 3x the water, so if they are 5gal buckets, flush each one with 15gals. I would also say, at least next time, dont bother with the flushing solutions, just stop feeding about 2 weeks before you think you may chop. from what ive read, for the most part they arent necessary, and few grows that i have seen that used ferts up until flush with a solution actually seemed to gain a whole lot from the extra fert time. i would say if anything, it would be worth doing just to cut on fert costs.

as for using the clearex, i dunno never tried it =(


Well-Known Member
looks more like a lockout/ph issue than an over fert. if it was burnt, your tips would be yellow. either your ph is too low, locking out cal/mag, or it's deficient. you didn't feed them enough is my guess, and flushing just sent what was left down the drain. after flushing they can turn yellow quickly, so it'd be a good idea to feed them the proper amounts for 4 weeks into flower, which means full strength and maybe more.


Active Member
Wow...that's exactly what I was thinkin, but my soil meter is sayin my ph is reading around 7.5-8... I didn't think it was burn cuz I been feedin em real lightly to avoid burning, but the problem started out on the gf strains and doin it more since flowering. Sometimes it all starts as a bright yellow spot on the middle of the plant...then the near edges blacken up and move outward until the leaf is completely dried out...I was thinkin my next watering I should give it just h2o and molasses and the next feeding, bust it out with the bloom bites and a lil veg and a lil calmag and karma...

My last feedings ppm was at 900 btw


Well-Known Member
you "should" be feeding them @ 1000-1500 ppm from about week 2 of flowering on (if they can take it), yours seem to need more. i've run into the same problem with my plants. i was feeding too lightly to avoid burning them, but when i got my ppm meter i realized i was off about 250 ppm which means they were kinda starving. you probably can't save the dying leaves, so don't worry about those too much. make sure your ph is right (invest in digital if you can, you'll be glad you did), then up your dosage a little bit at a time until the leaf tips burn slightly, then back off a tiny bit. you should be ok once you get a ppm right. just try and keep em green. good luck.

oh yeah, i found this chart for ppm in soil that might help ya.

Seedlings, Early Sprouts.........100 ppm to 250 ppm--------0.2 ec - 0.5 ec

Early Vegging..........................300 ppm to 400 ppm--------0.6 ec - 0.8 ec

Full Vegetation........................450 ppm to 700 ppm--------0.9 ec - 1.4 ec

Early Blooming.........................750 ppm to 950 ppm--------1.5 ec - 1.9 ec

Full Mature Blooms..................1000 ppm to 1600 ppm------2.0 ec - 3.2 ec


Active Member
so its not a burn?? my ph of my solution is usually around 6.5...is that wut i want? i've got a digital water ph meter...my ph in my soil is lookin at a high 7


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of strains that while flowering the leaves start yellowing. Just keep that in mind for later on.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of strains that while flowering the leaves start yellowing. Just keep that in mind for later on.
they are all gonna yellow at some point, right before ya pluck em. what is your runoff ph? if your putting 6.5 in, you're more than likely getting 5.9 coming out which is going to create a cal/mag lockout. that leads to the deficiency.....check your runoff after a light watering (just enough to get a reading) and then you can decide on the next step in fixing your problem. if it's low, let it go until it's time to water and flush them. when it comes time to feed, make sure your "in" (nute solution) should be closer to 7ish to get 6.5 coming out. i've learned this the hard way, we all do to a degree.....it's a process.....keep at it, you'll get it figured out.

what kind of soil are you using?


Active Member
FFOF...i really am thinking this is a defficiency....which even if it is a defficiency that has turned to nute lockout...does it still need to be flushed? and once flushed, what and how much should i feed em? and should i use molasses in that first watering with all the other nutes after flush?


Active Member
it looks to me like you have white powder mildew on your leaves? say it aint so...

ya thats my other issue i've been dealing with...i've got it to come down a little by spreading the plants apart and doin a little trim. so far its looking better...but most of those spots that acutally look like mildew...are hot spots on my leaves...prob ph fluctuation.

the mildew actually came with the clones when i got em from a friend....pfff


Well-Known Member
FFOF...i really am thinking this is a defficiency....which even if it is a defficiency that has turned to nute lockout...does it still need to be flushed? and once flushed, what and how much should i feed em? and should i use molasses in that first watering with all the other nutes after flush?
well your def. is coming from the lockout. you'd be better off flushing for now. once you flush em, and it's time to feed, just do as you normally would. if your tap water is ph'd @ 7.5 before you add nutes, and 6.5 after adding, you'll want to add ph up to get it around 7.0. that way when you feed until you get runoff, the runoff should be above 6.5. your goal in regards to runoff is between 6.5 and 7.3 or so. you'll have to adjust you nutrient solution to get the runoff you want. for example, my tap water is 6.8-7.1 usually. after adding my nutes it drops to 6.0. to get the runoff to be around 6.5 i have to add ph up and get the solution to ph around 7.1. hope all this helps....

oh you can use molasses all throughout the grow. it feeds beneficial bacteria in the soil, provides sugars to the plant, and can fatten buds up a bit. after your flush, it won't benefit the bacteria, but the plant will like the extra sugars. i'm using it, although not really sure if it's made a difference (i'd like to think it does), but it hasn't hurt anything at all.


Well-Known Member
Those pics aren't all that bad, why are you flushing? The yellowing naturally occurs when your flowering... That mildew on the other hand looks terrible, you need to take care of that now before your buds really start developing, try a fungicide, clean and cut infected area it thrives on the plants nutrients.. This should be the #1 concern, get a sulfur burner or something because that shit will ruin you, I also heard 1tsp baking soda to 1 gallon of water and foliar feed, make sure air is moving, humidity is low. What kind of soil meter are we talking that your getting these ph readings..?
Don't flush


Active Member
Good god I'm so confuses...so many ppl telling me different things. Won't a sulfur burner stink up the neighborhood?! There is some sort of lockout going on because there are yellow spots before the leaf starts to curl up and die. My humidity doesn't go above 43%. Could the dying leaves be because of expired nutes?


Well-Known Member
for your powder mildue there is a product called organicide that will work wonders.. it also kills and prevents mites.. home depot and wallmart cary this.. and as far as your other issue YES!! you need to flush if you havnt done so already.. that is never a bad choice, infact @ first sigh of any nute or ph problem that should be your first action..

i know it can be overwhellming at times bieng told so many different things but trust me.. always go to the basics with issues like that..

good luck and happy growing