Flushing? Thoughts

Bc you didn’t take them long enough and chopped early
Sure. Home cat I don’t chop early or late I chop right when my ladies call to me like a siren of the sea. Then when they come down I let them dry nice an long while playing them Kenny g and Gangster rap for the next 10-14 days in a lovely environment fully controlled until all their wonderful aromas come rolling through. Then those hoes hit the streets and do their thing.
Sure. Home cat I don’t chop early or late I chop right when my ladies call to me like a siren of the sea. Then when they come down I let them dry nice an long while playing them Kenny g and Gangster rap for the next 10-14 days in a lovely environment fully controlled until all their wonderful aromas come rolling through. Then those hoes hit the streets and do their thing.
*thumbs up*
This all started bc I said don’t flush in organics and do flush with synthetics.

and proceeded to say that though it’s not usually needed, there are scenarios where you might have to. Pretty simple to understand
So you over feed when you use synthetic nutrients?

I said that there are scenarios where flushing is needed.
When ppl over feed synth salts mainly.