Well-Known Member
Starving a plant doesn't mean theres less mineral content. Plants dont eat minerals, digest it, then shit it out. When the leaves die or a deficiency occurs the nutrients that can be moved are moved. Thats the reason leaf color changes.The buds being the reproductive organs of the plant will be the last part of the plant starved.
Can you show me some quantifiable evidence that vacuuming the tires of a car doesn't increase MPG? Of course not I just made it up, the same way flushing for taste is made up. It's the only kind of growing where people suggest feeding with a dozen different bottles at ridiculous ppm/ec ranges then tell you to flush it away. They have a name for that kind of behavior, its called Bulimia Nervosa
Try reading what i wrote before answering. Where did i say anything about minerals? Where did i say plant shits stuff out? Thats exactly the opposite of what i said.
Also taste is a personal preference and actually a relative concept but i can tell you without a doubt, when vaping especially, the faded buds are much smoother and flavourful on my palate and i don’t need a lab to tell me if a bud is smoother than the other.
If you so choose to do, go pay for it and conduct a research on it and do post your findings on terpene profile, thc, trace minerals and so on. Still i’ll say a faded bud is smoother and tastier, because i can tell the difference and thats the only opinion that actually matters.