Flushing with Organics


Active Member
Hi there ROIU, Ive been readin this site for some days now trying to find the answer to my question but from what i read there are mixed reactions and opinions on this. I use bio bizz grow/bloom, Advanced nutriants Carboload and Big Bud which all state to be 100% Organic. All of which i dont put the recommened dosage in i keep it just under as i dont have an EC meter as thought it would be best to keep it down. Ive read that its ok to keep adding all the way till crop time and it doesn't effect the taste and is not harsh to smoke. Ive flushed on other grows but i used Canna before on them and they are riddled with chemicals so best to flush...... as i have a friend that rushes his weed all the time and it makes me cough after one juicy toke (not good). Im growing one of my mates crosses it's a biddy early cross brain warp. Smells like sweet lavender when i touch it mmmmm and it has been fimmed so lots of heads not just one big cola!!! Sorry if this is a question that has come up loads of times but from what i saw the posts were quite old so i thought id get an up to date answer for all us newbies. Thanks for your help and hope you aint fallen asleep readin this.

Smoke on and grow well!!

indy :joint: FREE THE WEED :peace:


Well-Known Member
say a plant takes 9 weeks 12/12.
i stop feeding at week 5
the only feed pk13/14 till week 7
then start to flush weeeks 7 to 9, so all the food is from the plants.
i find it gives a better smoke.
food tastes like shit, and spoils the taste.


Active Member
Cool thanks,

So do you use the pk13/14 for 2 weeks?

I have some of that but didn't want to use it coz of the chemicals but im sure it says to only use for a week.


Well-Known Member
yes i do use pk13/14.
i also use superthrive every week, when i give my plants there good water.
after week 5 of 12/12.
depending on strain, i never feed in the last 2 or so weeks of 12/12.
to rid the plants of all there food.