

i apologize if i am in the wrong forum, but my question is: after flushing you only give them water and maybe a little molasses, right? your not supposed to stop watering all together, right? just want to be crystal on this once and for all. thx.


Well-Known Member
Don't 'only give them water'. Flushing with a mild nute solution leaches more salts from your roots than plain water. Flushing with mild nutes and some sugars is a good idea. Personally, I find molasses to be more expensive than sweetners from nute companies so I wouldn't use molasses myself.


ok thx. what kind of nute are u talking about?? a deliberate flushing solution?? bottom line though is too continue to water(with or without solutions)?? also, i have been using molasses the entire flowering time so i have some xtra.