

Active Member
so im doing a bagseed grow that is going great. im in my sixth week of flower and want to start flushing soon. Any ideas on how the pistils or trihs should look so i know when to start flushing?? any feedback would be great


Well-Known Member
if your in soil, there is no need to flush. starving your plant for the last 2 weeks before harvesting it isn't going to make it taste any better, it's just going to reduce your yield and potency. Try not flushing one of your plants this time around, dry/cure them the same and have someone else pack you a snap bowl of each with out you knowing which they are. I bet you wont be able to tell which is flushed and which isn't very accurately.

How ever if you are hell bent on flushing, then it's the last 2 weeks of flowering. You flush when ever you water, so how ever long it takes your soil to dry out. I would wait a week or so to flush. Plants usually take closer to 9-13 weeks depending on the strain.


Active Member
I grow in coco. From my experience flushing out don't really do much. No difference in taste. Smell or ash. I use canna nutes which leave a salt build up too


Active Member
Im using soil and advance nutrients organic blend. Im not saying your wrong BAMFRIVET but your the only person I've heard say not to flush their plants. Im really looking for a quality smoking product. I feel like flushing the nutes would give them best taste, how well it burns and change the harshness of the smoke. And weight wise how much of a significance do you see from flushing and not flushing. its a bagseed grow so the the whole point to my first question was can i tell when i need to flush by how the trichs or pistils look?


Active Member
Now you have heard form two that do not flush their plants.

Yes, I did side by side, I test every technique I use, too much really bad information not to test.

I do not flush. I don't argue much on the forum, I say what happened with my grows and leave it.

Flushing did not improve the sativa I have been growing for the last three years. Not even a little bit. Your results may be different.

El Superbeasto

Active Member
I used to flush, and I do not flush any longer.

Nutrients are not stored in buds, so unless you plan on smoking the soil, it is not necessary at all to flush, except for rinsing out salt buildup.


Well-Known Member
I have never seen any result due to flushing soil. So with that thought in mind be careful with nutes, if you burn your plants they are more than likely going to stay burned and suffer throughout the grow


Well-Known Member
I know that every Cannabis Cup winner has flushed and that is good enough for me to flush all my soil grows.


Well-Known Member
I grow in coco (and hydroton). I used to get horrible tasting weed. I used to use full strength nutes up untill the end... then flush once with a flushing solution. ick... gross. Then I changed my plan a bit. About a week and a half before harvest, I use weak nutes (I also use a ripening agent (dry koolbloom)). Then, 4 days before I want to harvest, I start using a flushing agent (I use florakleen). Basically, 8 ml/gallon... 1 gallon/plant... once a day for 4 days.


Active Member
You can only go by your growing week schedule to know when To flush. There is no actually signs tilt the plants show to tell flush me now. When i used to flushflush i gave them ph water for two weeks


Well-Known Member
hey sam, im just finishing up my first bag seed grow, bout to harvest monday! I started flushing in my 6-7th week on a strain that i expected to take 8 weeks. When I started, about 25% of the pistols were changed and I hadnt started looking at the thrichs by then.

Flushing for my plant (in about a 2.5 gal pot) involved a watering of about 2.5 liters each morning. My plant needed this much water on a daily basis partly because the humidity is dropping because winter in around the corner and because my plant is in a smaller storage space with an electric heater blowing at the base. But. . I definitely noticed my buds plump up a bit after a few days of flushing.

I'm no experienced grower (yet) but I definitely see a need for flushing if your using any kind of artificial nutrients. If you've ever got some bud that sparks like a sparkler when you light it, that because that bud still has a bunch of nutes and salts in it. To me that's just gross and usually comes with a bad taste as well, but I've heard some dumb asses get excited about it.


Well-Known Member
hey sam, im just finishing up my first bag seed grow, bout to harvest monday! I started flushing in my 6-7th week on a strain that i expected to take 8 weeks. When I started, about 25% of the pistols were changed and I hadnt started looking at the thrichs by then.

Flushing for my plant (in about a 2.5 gal pot) involved a watering of about 2.5 liters each morning. My plant needed this much water on a daily basis partly because the humidity is dropping because winter in around the corner and because my plant is in a smaller storage space with an electric heater blowing at the base. But. . I definitely noticed my buds plump up a bit after a few days of flushing.

I'm no experienced grower (yet) but I definitely see a need for flushing if your using any kind of artificial nutrients. If you've ever got some bud that sparks like a sparkler when you light it, that because that bud still has a bunch of nutes and salts in it. To me that's just gross and usually comes with a bad taste as well, but I've heard some dumb asses get excited about it.
Those sparks you see isn't because the nutrients in the soil, some how traveled up the plant, into the nug in it's pure form, wasn't used and for some reason sparks when it burns. It's because of to quick of drying/curing. That sparking is water heating up in the plant and turning into steam, which then "pops" out of the plants cells when the pressure gets to high for the cell walls to hold it in anymore. Nutrients aren't stored in the nug, nutrients are transferred to different parts of the plant and used in many different processes, not just sitting around in the nug waiting to sparkle like the 4th of july when you light your bowl.


Active Member
It doesn't make sense to me why people would use a flushing solutiong(chemical) to flush out the chemicals in the soil. I too have done test. FLushed one with solution, flushed one with water, and didn't flush one... after 2wk cure and blind taste test no one knew the difference. I did this just recently again to reprove and once again after a good cure you can't tell.

Lets think back to the begging of agriculture thousands of years ago untill today. Their has been huge advancments yet I have never heard of any farmers who flush their tomatoes or any other crop before harvest. THe tabacoo companies do not flush before they harvest the leafs so why would MJ be so magically different that it needs it? exactly theirs no point.

Welcome to marketing, why not tell people they can increase their taste by buying your BS shit in a can and saying to flush it in your soil... C'mon you don't really think that flushing drains whats already inside the plant? I'd like to see how that works...