flushing ?

Sal Locc

Active Member
Do I have to flush my plants is it absoultley something that needs to be done if I flush how many time a month week etc? I can't find any real good comments any help


New Member
I flush my plants the second wartering after I give them the last dose of veg nutes and then again about 3-5 days before harvest. I use 3 gal bags so I put about 3 gallons through them. Helps clean out extra salt build up and IMHO helps clean them out so the smoke is smoother.


Well-Known Member
I know alot of growers don't agree and alot do but I've grown plants side by side same strain from the same mother ect (soil) and some I've flushed for 2 weeks prior to harvest and some I just kept feeding and I couldn't tell the difference. I just cut the nutes down a little the last 2 weeks because they dont need as much food and It works for me.


Active Member
only person thats ever been convincing regarding flushing was the guy selling the flush and even then. half nutes second last week and no water at all for the last week


Well-Known Member
I agree with bullwinkle60. I have run test, after test, after test, and came to the conclusion that the only flush you should worry about is when you cut your plant flush with the grow container when you harvest.
Flushing is a requirement. It allows the plant to leach the remaining sugars in the leaves and thus producing the 'weed' smell. Some harvests don't have smell because most people skip the flush from being in a rush. too many nutrients left in the plant tissue will take away from the final quality being connoiseur level smoke.
@EL....it's true. Follow any video instructional and it will tell you everything you need to know about how every plant uses carbohydrates to produce sugars and how during bloom phase of most plants' lives they eat their own sugars when they have 'no available nutrients'. That's why leaves turn yellow during flush time. no nutrients available so the plant ends up eating any remaining nutrients left in the fan leaves (store houses). I'm not here to compete for being right, just to offer professional advice.

El Superbeasto

Active Member
Leaves turn yellow "during flush" because that is a nutrient deficiency, because you are not feeding the plant when it needs it. I have been growing since 1991-1992 there about, and was a strong believer in flushing, because that is how I was taught, but then decided to put that method to the test, and tried not flushing some plants next to some plants I did flush. There was no improved flavor from flushing, and I had slightly better yields from the unflushed, because I was actually feeding my plant when it needed it.

I have not flushed in over 10 years. And my buds tastes like "weed". That is because I dry and cure the buds properly. They taste good and get me nice and high.

But, it's your plants, flush them with diesel if you want. You can call the buds "Royal Diesel Flush", they'll be talking about it in rap songs in no time ;)

@EL....it's true. Follow any video instructional and it will tell you everything you need to know about how every plant uses carbohydrates to produce sugars and how during bloom phase of most plants' lives they eat their own sugars when they have 'no available nutrients'. That's why leaves turn yellow during flush time. no nutrients available so the plant ends up eating any remaining nutrients left in the fan leaves (store houses). I'm not here to compete for being right, just to offer professional advice.


Active Member
some say no but most say yes on flushing and im on the yes side. i always flush, the amount i flush depends on if your using organics or synthetics nutrients. i find that synthetics need more flushning then organics. Have you ever smoked and the ashes were black, it wouldnt burn right or even spark when lit. this is what happens when its not flushed properly.would you use synthentics on your vegtables and eat them a few days later? I want my taste and intake as natural as possible. you might not notice a difference but the chance your taking, is a big one i would think. I grow for medical purposes because i really dont trust the pharmecutical companys. Seems like what you get prescribed causes more damage later on down the road. i feel the same oppiniont flushing your weed. many growers with different oppinions. My advice is to read all you can and talk to growers. put all the information together and use your noggin to do what makes sense to you. i hope this helps and good luck


Well-Known Member
For those that insist on flushing, may I suggest the additional step of preforming the "hoo doo" dance immediately after flushing in order for the Canna gods to recognize your plants, "flushed" status. As for me, I am one of the heathens who don't flush, grow kick ass strains, cure properly, and enjoy the best, smoothest smoke on the planet. I'm with [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]El Superbeasto, flush with whatever makes you happy. You can use Aquapure or Peruvian goat milk for all I care: one thing is certain, after you grow out a few hundred plants and do some honest side by side comparisons, you will never flush again. [/FONT]


Active Member
i bet i can find literally a tonne of different literature telling you that flushing is essential. means fuck all to me, i've done the experiments, i've flushed and not and the plants that weren't flushed not only looked better but had fuller rounder buds, ones that really looked plump.

no other plants are flushed, you could argue that most plants aren't ignited and inhaled but tobacco is, and the revolutionary moment in the tobacco industry regarding quality??? that was when they cured it properly and gave a nice smooth smoke with a nice white ash that wasn't rough or burned poorly. you are trying to say that happens because of flushing???? you can be dam sure that the tobacco industry is growing their stuff as quick as possible and are pumping as much nutes in as they can safely handle. still no flushing goin on.

sorry but its comlpete bullcrap, actually do some reading, maybe speak to a botanist.


I'm in my 4th wk of bloom. The girls were growing with a vengeance, then they started really showing off their pubic hairs and game on! Now a few, maybe 6-8 of upper leaves are 'cupping'. They are about 30" from the hps 1K watt, with powered vent on light, so no heat to speak of.
My question is this, they, the leaves, do not looked diseased, they look 'tired' if I may.
So I'm guessing that I'm seeing a slight nute lockup...is it ok for me to throw some Jackhammer from Fox Farm, that's the nutes I use, on them in the middle of their bloom? Sure would hate to hurt those dinner plate sized fan leaves!


Active Member
Its optional you do NOT need to do it. If you want less of a harsh smoke, near end of life cycle flush. So to answer your question NO you don't HAVE to..