
should i flush my ladies every cpl weeks or should i just flush the last week or two of flowerin to get rid of the harsh ness and salt and cemical build ups


New Member
You should only flush two times. Once between veg and flowering when you switch your nutes up, and the final 7-14 days. Now this is for soil and most soilless. For coco and hydro I have no clue.

Now people can have different definitions of what a flush is. Some people, I think they are crazy, think flushing is pouring 4-5x of water through their soil. So they think a 4 gallon pot needs 20 gallons poured through it, or even just 10.
In my case flushing is simply doing "water only" feeds at a little higher amount then usual. So in my 5 gallon pots at 12/12 switch I usually water only for about a week at about 1 1/2 gallon per plant(I usually water/feed a gallon a plant)
Then near harvest, you need to estimate when this will be first. That itself is something one needs to learn. But at about 10 days before I plan to cut I begin "water only" feed at about 2 gallon per plant.

So basically flushing to me means watering only at a slightly higher amount then usual.
take a look at other post finally got pics let me know what u think quick question does the plant grow to the gallon of ur pot how to know when to flower