

Global Moderator
Staff member
I flushed, and I didn't flush, there was no difference other than a hungry unhappy plant. I didn't flush again (not using organics, but chemical hydro) and I never saw a reason to reconsider.
Flushing has been scientifically debunked as a myth.
Some accept ~ some do not.


Well-Known Member
Flushing your cannabis plants is a sign of OCD .. true story

my hydroponic grown plants finish on an EC of around 1.8 to 2.2 with healthy green leaves and no flush



Well-Known Member
Gwn thanks for all that I got a littl lost. So its better to keep roots wet for last couple days correct also would there be any beneifit of haveing lights off for a few days plus being in water etc.. sorry not trying to hijack your thread


Well-Known Member
Gwn thanks for all that I got a littl lost. So its better to keep roots wet for last couple days correct also would there be any beneifit of haveing lights off for a few days plus being in water etc.. sorry not trying to hijack your thread
Easy, just don't flush unless you have an issue to correct
Dr. Jekyll

The safest/best time to flush is right after you cut her down, then that way all you are doing is wasting your time by pouring gallons of water over the stump, but at least you won't fuck up your plant
Mr. Hyde
That's funny shit. I think I'll take your advice, about not flushing that is.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Everyone here knows that I do a 24 hour roots off flush in RO water. I find that each plant sucks up about .5 litres of RO water during this time. This is done in the production room. I get complaints if I don't. I also remove all the large fans before I chop. I like the plants to be nice and healthy when I chop so I feed them all the way through. I operate flood and drain tables with a mixture of hydroton and lava rock grow pellets.


Active Member
Only helps with the drying process if they werent watered a day or two before.
Also chop them before the HID, LED, or w/e you're using comes on and try to do it in a area just bright enough to see what you're doing.
Helps, not by much, but helps.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Be nice to flush the bullshit about flushing. With ever new crop of newbs expect to hear this big whoosh.


Active Member
in the past i have flushed my plants for the last 7-10 days and i notice my plants after 5/6 days my plants where begging for nutes

now i dont flush at all i give my last feed 1 week before harvest at 50% strength a final water 2 days before chop only thing i noticed is i saved time on passing hundreds of litres through 10 plants


Active Member
Yeah I never really understood the whole flushing with absurd amounts of water unless you're having nute burn problems or something. I just water like normal with normal water about a week or so before harvest.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Could you imagine trying to flush 50 or more outdoor plants in the traditional manner? You'd need a fire truck or a massive arogation system. It would be even worse trying to drown them. However, monsoons do have a bearing on the production of mj in tropical zones where it grows naturally. Just like everyone else I gave up(years ago) on the traditional flush method and found a practice that actually works for me(by happen stance).

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Could you imagine trying to flush 50 or more outdoor plants in the traditional manner? You'd need a fire truck or a massive arogation system. It would be even worse trying to drown them. However, monsoons do have a bearing on the production of mj in tropical zones where it grows naturally. Just like everyone else I gave up(years ago) on the traditional flush method and found a practice that actually works for me(by happen stance).
I was in the hills of Michoacan last fall and these Mexicans with BIG sombreros and donkeys carrying water were flushing their pot. It's true!