Flushing ???????

now i know flushing has something to do with the food and water but that's all i know can someone please tell me what i have to do i know just about nothing on this


Well-Known Member
It is only called flushing in MJ forums in the real world it is called leeching and it involves pouring 3 times the container volume of water thru the medium to cleanse it of salt buildups
ok one more question i readed somewehre that you should stop feeding it on the 3rd lest week and onlt give her water for a week that nothing for 2 the cut her down ?
so they are myths ? because theres a few that make my worry that if i feed it up to the time i cut her down that it can burn the back of you throat


Well-Known Member
flush only if salt build-up is suspected. water til moderate run-off through bottom of pot each time you water; you won't get salt...........

if you gave a nice, high P feed at flower onset, and one half-way through, your good, imo. over-feeding, to "push out some really big, dank buds.....yada, yada" leads to toxic plants, which leads to less gear. good growing conditions are the real secret.
water regimen, including drainage!
well-balanced medium
good lighting
lots of fresh air

grow your first plant in just plain ole mix, with garden soil, some peat, and 30% perlite. meet the above conditions. add no fertilizer. tell me what you get ;)


Well-Known Member
alright thanks ill try that out
yer up, an' runnin' now, and seem okay. I was more like...... makin' a point, that the plant you did nothing with, over than provide ideal conditions to, will be a really nice plant, and produce quality gear. the very best? no. but you see what I'm sayin'. you don't hafta do it, kid :)



Well-Known Member
all right nah don't have any atm about to order some seeds tomorrow can you name any that are good ?
a straight up Indie, for medicine. taste not really important
an 80/20 Indie hybrid, for chillin' with the ladies.....something fruity. fruity is sexy.
a 50/50 for daytime usage, so I can still make hay while sun shines. taste......something that pairs well with coffee.

names and lineages and shit like that, I leave to younger growers. I shop by above criteria.


Well-Known Member
there's a medical seed on herbies.com which can produce 1kilo per plant ,but don't know the ne sorry


Well-Known Member
I have no idea how flushing effects taste. I have flushed a lot of plants and I have not flushed a lot of plants.
It has been proven that higher nitrogen levels in soil correlates with lower thc levels in the plants. This study was done on hemp, but hemp is cannabis same as marijuana is cannabis. If you grow a strain that one plant has .029 thc level and a clone of that exact same plant comes out to .031 thc, one is considered hemp the other is considered marijuana. After my bud swell finishes, I flush. 7 days later I cut. In my personal opinion and experiences, when it is all said and done, I prefer the flushed plants over the unflushed. Why? I am not sure, too many variables. It also crosses over to my friends with whom I share and they don't know which ones are flushed or not and they almost always tend to like those I flushed better.
I will stick with flushing. What I know for sure, if done properly, it has no noticeable negative effect.

On the other hand, one of my growing buddies switches to pure water the last two weeks, which I think is dumb. Considering his is going through his plumping stage when he stops feeding. I would rather push the nutrients one extra week, let the plumping diminish, then flush.


Well-Known Member
there's a medical seed on herbies.com which can produce 1kilo per plant ,but don't know the ne sorry
This confuses me. I have yet to run across a strain- other than autos- that I CAN'T make yield this much or close. It's all in the veg time.