
Nice write up .
I too am strictly organic..I dont know ...maybe its me..but it seems the taste comparison at the end is the big winner for me(flushing or not..it seems that taste is always there). Luckily for us we have 2 goats and some chickens ..so the organic matter was never an issue for us. My biggest interest for nxt yrs already is planting them into a hugelkulture bed... (google it) I'm thinking that would be the most organic and easiest way to go for a small guirella grow somewhere( no need to water and nutes are already in the soil waiting ot be used up)..anyone elses thoughts?Has anyone used a hugel bed before for this ?
I use molasses and water only for the last month of its life..like U said ..I cant see 2 weeks of flushing making a difference in 3 months of nutes.The plant still only takes in what is needed.I have learned from my grandfather (of all ppl) that when using molasses at the end..the plant will always draw up the sugars and convert them..no matter the npk.. all flowering plants will do this.. I guess he said it had something to do with the plant realizing end of life cycle and is trying for that last push to pollinate(or in the ladies case...finishing its"fruit").. I decided to try this... and when I did I was shocked... the buds doubled in size in a week..( or mighta happened anyways if I didnt use molasses ..but who knows.forgot to leave a plant for comaprison.next yrs experiment maybe)
As for organics...I made a compost tea this year from things around the yrd.(chicken/goat manure, water from fishponds we have, compost from last yrs gardens,some sugars and an air bubbler).I had to keep my plants small and low( was hiddden in back yrd) so yield wasnt as well as coulda been ..but so far so good..cut down time... t minus 10 days . happy harvesting to all View attachment 3266123View attachment 3266124 View attachment 3266125

I think you are mostly correct! I to just came across a situation and i can't get anymore good fo my ladies, but i did have 5gal of molasses left and when i started feeding with just that oy seemed as if they just started growing better. I mean smell increased, size keeps packing on, they just look great. I know i have about 3weeks to go but they look great. My soil is on the second and third year, its a 50/50 mix so i think the molasses feeding will be just fine and do good all around.

I kno from working with organics and veggies that its extremely hard to overdose a plant but you can not have enough of something. A plant will take what it needs when it needs it. Organics and the addition of molasses works great in flowering cannabis. BUT! as most know all strains aren't alike. I want to push my next grow to the max. You cant do that going totally organic. It would be like going to the gym and not drinking protein shakes.
Lol. I can promise you this, Protein shakes will never replace the real natural protein you get from the land and animals. You eat healthy and right, You wont need to add chemically made protein. Just ask yourself this. What would your body recognize and break down to uptake better, Real/natural ingredients, or the 50 hard to say ingredients on the back of a protein container? To me its about quality, not quantity. To each their own though.
I think you are mostly correct! I to just came across a situation and i can't get anymore good fo my ladies, but i did have 5gal of molasses left and when i started feeding with just that oy seemed as if they just started growing better. I mean smell increased, size keeps packing on, they just look great. I know i have about 3weeks to go but they look great. My soil is on the second and third year, its a 50/50 mix so i think the molasses feeding will be just fine and do good all around.

I kno from working with organics and veggies that its extremely hard to overdose a plant but you can not have enough of something. A plant will take what it needs when it needs it. Organics and the addition of molasses works great in flowering cannabis. BUT! as most know all strains aren't alike. I want to push my next grow to the max. You cant do that going totally organic. It would be like going to the gym and not drinking protein shakes.

Feed your soil, not your plant.
Lol. I can promise you this, Protein shakes will never replace the real natural protein you get from the land and animals. You eat healthy and right, You wont need to add chemically made protein. Just ask yourself this. What would your body recognize and break down to uptake better, Real/natural ingredients, or the 50 hard to say ingredients on the back of a protein container? To me its about quality, not quantity. To each their own though.

...wait im with you on the organic side all the way! I was just speaking for some that do go with chemicals all the way. I think it's organics is the shit. But when you put price into things sometimes it can get expensive.

But speaking just for me, i would go organic all they way but its seems that weed requires so much that you have to add supplements at some point. Rather its organic or chemically done. Chemicals can give you faster results and can be at a lower cost if you use it in conjunction with organics. Just like protein shakes. When you are exercising and your body reaches a stand still you have to change things, you have to add a boost to get to the next level.

This year i went with my 50/50 mix and maxsea and cal-mg. Not fully organic at all but i thing the results are going very good and when i run my ladies threw the winter to c how i can max them out next year will be even better.

Some people just want to get high, some want nothing but cash. Me i need both. I need my ladies to be pushed to the max and have great quality. You cannot do the going only organic.

I say that because a plant will only take up organic matter on a as need basics. Using both you can push them and see what they really can do.
I am gonna try to do a grow in a hugelkulture bed next year..I made one this year for my veggie garden as an experiment....Holy Cripes!! I only watered it twice all year,but I wound up having the best veggies and plants in the whole garden coming from that one little area.
Hugelkulture involves using old,dead fallen logs/brush//burying it with compost and adding a layer of soil... as the wood breaks down , mycelia forms... this is one of the best forms of natural nutrients any plant can get.The wood /brush under the pile acts as a sponge soaking up all rainwater...It was great I had 20 ft sunflowers in that garden this year ..definitely worth a try next year.... anyone have any experience with this or tried it ?
(heres a link to what hugelkultur is all about)


and a pic of the bed I made...not watered all summer just the once when I built it and two weeks after that .
I love using organics. I use less water and have less bug problems. Here is a pic of my plant that was all organic. You can grow em big as well. Also no yellowing of the leaves and I have only fed them water the last month. I will tell you that after cutting off some of the bottom buds for better air flow it is the smoothest smoke ever. No burn going down. Next year I will do a side by side of organic vs synthetic.DSC01509.JPG
I love using organics. I use less water and have less bug problems. Here is a pic of my plant that was all organic. You can grow em big as well. Also no yellowing of the leaves and I have only fed them water the last month. I will tell you that after cutting off some of the bottom buds for better air flow it is the smoothest smoke ever. No burn going down. Next year I will do a side by side of organic vs synthetic.View attachment 3266719

NICE!! I wish I coulda let mine get that big...I have them in a secluded place in the yrd..and unfortunately my kids are now of the age...they know what the plant looks like...so had to keep tying it down and topping it...just to keep it less obvious.Still gonna produce some of the better buds I've had in a while...I took a sample piece to my backup dealer( for times when I run out) and she has been bugging me everyday since....wanting to purchase it all..way better than wut she has..( her words). lol
I told her no... thats my yr long supply so I dont have to go see her..I dont like to sell,I only grow for personal..but its tempting when ur shit is better than most ppl around u..patience,reading and ppl on here is what got me this far...
No matter if its organic or synthetic.... You will still only get out so much if they arent tended to,taken care of,and babied..( which I know we all do !! lol) just like a child...if u raise it right it will grow into success if u half ass you'll get half ass....Good Job everyone on thier adventures this summer..hoping ur hard work will be as rewarding as mine.. Everyone has thier own personal ways of doing things..and I dont think there is a wrong way as long as fellow RIU members are there to help along the way..now get busy planning next yrs!! I know I am ;)
NICE!! I wish I coulda let mine get that big...I have them in a secluded place in the yrd..and unfortunately my kids are now of the age...they know what the plant looks like...so had to keep tying it down and topping it...just to keep it less obvious.Still gonna produce some of the better buds I've had in a while...I took a sample piece to my backup dealer( for times when I run out) and she has been bugging me everyday since....wanting to purchase it all..way better than wut she has..( her words). lol
I told her no... thats my yr long supply so I dont have to go see her..I dont like to sell,I only grow for personal..but its tempting when ur shit is better than most ppl around u..patience,reading and ppl on here is what got me this far...
No matter if its organic or synthetic.... You will still only get out so much if they arent tended to,taken care of,and babied..( which I know we all do !! lol) just like a child...if u raise it right it will grow into success if u half ass you'll get half ass....Good Job everyone on thier adventures this summer..hoping ur hard work will be as rewarding as mine.. Everyone has thier own personal ways of doing things..and I dont think there is a wrong way as long as fellow RIU members are there to help along the way..now get busy planning next yrs!! I know I am ;)
I do not sell mine either. I as well only use my stuff for personal use. I love knowing who grew my weed and what was used. I might have too much, but better than spending my money on it. It saves money in the long run. Keep up the good work country pickle. The pick shows you can grow great dank with love and organics. Never knew outdoor could be so frosty.DSC01510.JPG
Beautiful job man. You are killing it. Is it expensive to go veganic? Have you trimmed any lower bud up to try yet?
Yes it is i used bio thrive bloom and budswell organic tea and they both are spendy and i dont have the time to brew my own teas so i broke open the wallet lol.I have really good soil in those bags witch is key,i have not taken any yet i have light dep buds that i am smoking and my indoor as well.Iknow it is good my light dep plants were the same strains and they are excellent looks like indoor weed.20140824_134143.jpg20140824_134226.jpg 20140808_134915.jpg
Yes it is i used bio thrive bloom and budswell organic tea and they both are spendy and i dont have the time to brew my own teas so i broke open the wallet lol.I have really good soil in those bags witch is key,i have not taken any yet i have light dep buds that i am smoking and my indoor as well.Iknow it is good my light dep plants were the same strains and they are excellent looks like indoor weed.View attachment 3266784View attachment 3266785 View attachment 3266786
Very frosty. Are those frosty buds the light depot buds or the outdoor? Whatever they are, they are frosty. Nothing quite likie good looking weed. Except for taste and high.
They were grown outdoor during the day and in the garage at night indoor outdoor lol.The full season outdoor still have a few weeks but they are not bad i will take a pic when i get a minute
They were grown outdoor during the day and in the garage at night indoor outdoor lol.The full season outdoor still have a few weeks but they are not bad i will take a pic when i get a minute
When you look at my bud, how much longer do you think before I should cut her down?
Tim you are very close i would say a week if you have a photo loop or magnifying glass check the trichs to see what color they are.
I do. They are half cloudy and clear. I have a wedding to go to next weekend and will not be home. I work five days a week so I do not have much time. One week would be better but actually being able to smoke the product will be better. To much for me to think about.
Little longer would be best but i understand not having the time i would not be on line right now if my truck wasn't at the shop.Do what you have to do it is pretty close i wish i had one close to ready but patience is always best my problem is i like to try to let them go when it is obvious mother nature has other plans.