
The smell is from over drying it normally. Don't leave the jars open for 8 hours that is basically drying the weed in a jar no real difference from hanging it. Burp once a day for the first week then once a week after that. Fuck hygrometers get humidity packs and keep one in each jar they work wonders and there about 80 cents a piece. If you get some of the humidity packs and re jar the the weed you may be able to save it but it's hard to bring back bud that has been over dried. Good luck man.
no its not from over drying jesus why do people chime in when your guessing
The smell is from over drying it normally. Don't leave the jars open for 8 hours that is basically drying the weed in a jar no real difference from hanging it. Burp once a day for the first week then once a week after that. Fuck hygrometers get humidity packs and keep one in each jar they work wonders and there about 80 cents a piece. If you get some of the humidity packs and re jar the the weed you may be able to save it but it's hard to bring back bud that has been over dried. Good luck man.
and clearly you don't know what your talking about because your recommending humidity packs which make your weed taste like fucking absolute shit.. but you would know that if you ever had good buds .. and then used humidity packs....
If you say so pal. Im not talking about taking the humidity packs out of a shoe box man you do know they make packs just for weed that will keep your rh right ag 60 to 65 percent and they have no effect at all on the taste of the weed. Further more if you don't understand that if you over dry weed it will get a hay smell then you are really fucking retarded. It's not the only way that can happen but it sure as fuck will if you over dry and being that this guy is drying his weed for three days then for a week leaving his jars open for 8 hours a day it's a pretty good assumption that his weed is way to dry. I can tell by your signature that you are one of these fuck head organic is the only way blah blah blah ass holes. We are all very proud of you for growing organic and I'm sure your bud is great so go sit on your high horse and fuck off.
If you say so pal. Im not talking about taking the humidity packs out of a shoe box man you do know they make packs just for weed that will keep your rh right ag 60 to 65 percent and they have no effect at all on the taste of the weed. Further more if you don't understand that if you over dry weed it will get a hay smell then you are really fucking retarded. It's not the only way that can happen but it sure as fuck will if you over dry and being that this guy is drying his weed for three days then for a week leaving his jars open for 8 hours a day it's a pretty good assumption that his weed is way to dry. I can tell by your signature that you are one of these fuck head organic is the only way blah blah blah ass holes. We are all very proud of you for growing organic and I'm sure your bud is great so go sit on your high horse and fuck off.
I can see it happening from over drying. But mainly do to now having to re-hydrate, for example, with flour tortillas. But I also wouldn't go as far as saying "hay". Just not ideal to have to do it.
Hay smell to me usually means one of two things. Either the bud is boo boo and/or grown like serious shit. Or, bud was left to "sweat" way too long. Boo-boo bud IS hay.
Your seriously asking weither I understood your post or not.......QUOTE rehydrate with tortillas and boo boo buds......No I didn't understand your post try putting it in laymens terms .........or even scientific either way I will understand......
Your seriously asking weither I understood your post or not.......QUOTE rehydrate with tortillas and boo boo buds......No I didn't understand your post try putting it in laymens terms .........or even scientific either way I will understand......
You haven't been doing this very long have you?
Carry on. Good day
I can see it happening from over drying. But mainly do to now having to re-hydrate, for example, with flour tortillas. But I also wouldn't go as far as saying "hay". Just not ideal to have to do it.
Hay smell to me usually means one of two things. Either the bud is boo boo and/or grown like serious shit. Or, bud was left to "sweat" way too long. Boo-boo bud IS hay.
READ IT AGAIN.....and tell me if you think I'm being obtuse......plain English always works best.....
READ IT AGAIN.....and tell me if you think I'm being obtuse......plain English always works best.....
I spelled "due" wrong. Other than that, it's good;-)
Dude, go bug your mommy to go make you some lunch. Don't take your miserable life out on me. :-D
Tortillas.....boo boo.....wow great analysis.....
We've been calling shitty weed "boo boo" for a very long time here in California.
People have been using flour tortillas to hydrate over-dried buds(not ideal, I know) for a very long time here in Ca.
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Hay smell comes from several sources ;
1. Harvesting too early ( buds not fully mature )
2. Over drying ( chlorophyll not degrading and " locked " in )
- even with curing methods , buds may have past the point of no return. Rehydrating will not start curing process again.
3. Chemical nutes = Flush every time. Force your plant to cannabalize itself for the stored nutes it has within itself during final weeks.

Control the time and conditions ( of your OWN drying area )
Everybody else's suggestions work for them , but may not work for you. Some areas will dry too fast , so you have to check them far more frequently. For me , I barely get 3 days before I got to bottle up. BOVEDA PAKS work well to stabilize RH.

Here is the trick :
Dry up to the point of stem " Near " snapping. It is far EASIER to bring down moisture level within bud than
to " rehydrate " OVER DRYED BUD.

Once to cross over into OVERDRIED , it's too late.
To check moisture in bud :
Bottle up buds with hygrometer 24 hours. Check after 24 hours and check reading. If over 70% - pull out buds and dry on cardboard or paper towels for a few hours . Re bottle and check in 8-12 hours. If humidity dropped , you are on right path. Burp once a day , until you incrementally drop to desired level - some go for 62-64% or to 55% ( as some prefer ) ( more drying for this ).

Brown bag : large brown grocery bag , not white bags ( they are bleached ). Toss in around 4-5" deep of buds . Roll top and store in dark cool place . 24 hours later roll bag back and forth to distribute buds , don't open . 24 hour later after that , open and check buds ( moisture level within ) and either bag up again or bottle.

BOVEDA PAKS is a cheap way of maintaining basic RH in your jars.
CVaults is another product I use to " cure " and has cut the bullshit with normal methods. They let absolutely no light in , airtight and stay cool ( stainless steel ).

Make sure you are chopping at right time , not too early.

image.jpg image.jpg
My mother Is dead dickhead.........and I'm probably old enuff to b your dad so wipe your mouth ..........because your talking poo poo(shit to anyone who doesn't speak this clowns language)......now you fuck off unless you have something sensible ta add to the op question............in English please........
My mother Is dead dickhead.........and I'm probably old enuff to b your dad so wipe your mouth ..........because your talking poo poo(shit to anyone who doesn't speak this clowns language)......now you fuck off unless you have something sensible ta add to the op question............in English please........
Well, i'm 43. Been growing indoor for almost 25 yrs now.
My mom just died this last new years eve.
You come off as a know it all little punk with shitty manners.
Good day
If you say so pal. Im not talking about taking the humidity packs out of a shoe box man you do know they make packs just for weed that will keep your rh right ag 60 to 65 percent and they have no effect at all on the taste of the weed. Further more if you don't understand that if you over dry weed it will get a hay smell then you are really fucking retarded. It's not the only way that can happen but it sure as fuck will if you over dry and being that this guy is drying his weed for three days then for a week leaving his jars open for 8 hours a day it's a pretty good assumption that his weed is way to dry. I can tell by your signature that you are one of these fuck head organic is the only way blah blah blah ass holes. We are all very proud of you for growing organic and I'm sure your bud is great so go sit on your high horse and fuck off.
you must have some shitty tasting pot if you can't tell the difference between your bud before its cured and after you add those packs. thats just the bottom line they fuck up your flavors.. unless your bud tasted like shit prior to using them.. which must be the case.
To Phil k, Dude I live in California and have been to Amsterdam I think I may have smoked some good bud a time or two. Oh yeah and my bud sits on top shelf at more than one shop but I'm sure your right man I just don't know what good weed tastes like lmao. The thing is unlike you I'm on here to try and help people to the best of my ability as well as learn from others. I am not claiming to be the best grower ever cause I'm not but I certanly grow some fine buds. I have had it up to my ears with little shit bags like you talking shit on here. I say again get on your high horse and go fuck off somewhere.
Yea ok guys it's just turning into a slagging match now.....we should ALL agree to disagree.....and yes act like the adults we are and focus on the ops question without all the snide comments....fair enuff...