
My product turns out great, don't be assholes just because we all don't practice the same religion bongsmilie

You act like removing nutrition ceases all plant function... lolol c'mon now

Who's being the asshole? Who said anything asshole to you?

I don't see your point. I can't find it in me to accept ignorance!
You and I have been around the block on this subject before. The only closed mind is yours and it's directly related to your confirmation bias!

You could argue I have it for my belief.
The problem being, science explains why you are wrong and you refuse to see that....

A 2 week flush or fade is counter productive to final potentials - including quality and yield.....Bottom line, backed by science, not imagination!

Your the one that said anything about ceasing function - not me!

Now please go back to "Doing it the way you want", that's fine with me.....

But don't come into a thread and throw incorrect opinion around as fact and attempt to influence those who actually want to learn something.
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My product turns out great, don't be assholes just because we all don't practice the same religion bongsmilie

You act like removing nutrition ceases all plant function... lolol c'mon now
It doesn't stop plant functions, but they slow considerably. You don't need to eat for weeks before you starve, but you're going to be weak and sick when you die. You want weak sick plants or strong healthy plants when you harvest? Which one do you think has more potential? Plants need a balanced diet, just like us, When you stop feeding them in hydro, the balance goes out as they use their stores, which are just buffers, not enough to fully support the plant long term. Read my Sig on "flushing".

there was analogous meaning behind my statement that I think you missed, what I was getting at is be respectful and keep the discussion civil regardless if you think less of people who believe other than you, simple really. There is no science behind why I prefer my smoke the way I do, it's through observation and anecdotal evidence that I continue to do this way and haven't bought into the many methods I have tried, boiling, feed to end etc.
Your comparing science to religion? One based on truth and fact, from one end of the universe to the other. One based on belief only, and a belief that can change from one house to the next.

You can believe whatever you want about whatever religion you want.
You can't believe whatever you want about science.
Don't spread scientific falsehoods based on your personal beliefs. Science doesn't support any of the "flushing" myth. Read my Sig on "flushing".
It's simple really, you guys are insisting that some like ketchup with their fries when it has been repeatedly asserted that others might prefer A1. Just because someone somewhere said it should be better, doesn't rebut my preference.

One might be perceived as being asshole-ish when said individuals refer to other's methods as stemming from stupidity.

When is the last time either of you "flushed"? My latest chance to compare a crop was recent and for me still preferring a sensi "flushed" in hydro as compared to one fed up to cut day.

I disagree with the premise of a 2 week fade bringing less quality. Can you speak more specifically in what ways it was less than feeding until the end?

....if you missed the religion analogy, I'll refrain from posing analogous comparisons hoping to point out how humans behave towards one another in otherwise seemingly unrelated fields.
both of you scientists misused the word your... you are looking for you're :bigjoint:

now you can call me an asshole but I'm still going to fade my shit because it smokes supreme
It's simple really, you guys are insisting that some like ketchup with their fries when it has been repeatedly asserted that others might prefer A1.

A better analogy is:

Some people like catsup with their fries and other people prefer to throw some of their fries away.
like i said, they're your plants, do what you will to them. just don't expect me to ever agree that its a good idea, and do expect me to refute anyone saying its a good idea.
Will you go so far as to deny that a good product can come from an "end of life" deprivation of food?
i'm not sayin you grow bad weed. its not about that. this is a myth that is totally useless, has NO benefit, and is a waste of time and money. as long as you don't do it too long, its not going to damage your plant, but its not going to do anything good for it either. at all. nothing. so why bother to waste time and money doing absolutely nothing productive? walk to a casino, drop 10 dollars in a slot machine, and at least you got some exercise, a little entertainment, and the remote possibility of a reward.
when i was younger, i got put in "treatment" . once i got caught at school with a qp in my gym bag, and they sent me to the rehab unit at the state hospital for 3 months...the state mental hospital....there was a separate building for adult drug and alcohol abuse patients, a slightly smaller unit for juveniles, then the huge scary ass building full of crazy fuckers. we had to go to class in that building, and eat in the cafeteria there. with the crazy fuckers. there was one guy, if you asked him what was for lunch, he'd tell you "fish"...he could be eating hotdogs and tater tots, but he'd hold it up and smile, and say "fish".....i told him once, "that ain't fish, that's hotdogs and tater tots."....."he looked at it for a minute, then looked up at me and told me "i don't like hotdogs, i like fish." then went back to eating. can't argue with logic......
I grew hydro tomatoes in my greenhouses. Every hydro nutrient chart I saw showed a gradual decrease in ppm's. I grew the Farmtek system and they also suggested the same. Although nutrient companies stand to make more money, considerable amounts of it too by suggesting feeding full strength to the end, and enjoying a better experience by doing so(they want repeat business?) they continue to show the same on their charts. Farmtek continues to decrease nutrients towards the end of cycle for tomatoes.

they taste awesome off the vine with any nute system I used. the ones I would play with and feed to the end- bigger, greener leaves, longer finishe to ripeness and a taste like a freshly sprayed golf course.

feeding my hydro mj to the end makes for
1)Heavier vegetable material at the end
2) really pretty leafy flowers
3) late finishes
4) off tastes unless fermented in jars for months maybe
5) at two weeks drying smells like my lawn after fertilizing

I dont grow for magazine pics or for heavier weight(vegetable matter, not more thc btw) .

I've had cured weed, months in a jar burped, its fine, but it was not fine 2 weeks after drying.
My weed dries for a couple weeks and tastes perfect out of the gate, no fermenting, no burping, no burying in dirt,
no soaking in water, and my stable finishes on time with solid milky trichs and a hint of amber on the horizons.

my tobacco tastes sweet ater dry too, imagine that, no wood smoke, no fermenting, no sweating, no fuss.
I notice outdoors in my orchards. Plants are provided with less resources as their season ceases. The fruits ripen during this period, less light, less nitrogen less frass, cooler temps, and no added fertilizers. they taste great too.

I can taste off fert flavors in my basil too if I feed to the end but not when I dont.
FLUSHING with water in the end likely does nothing but suffer a plant in its end stages I agree.

I feed chick shit every couple weeks until the last feeding before harvest. My run off ppm is barely changed at this time compared to biweekly feedings. Of course hot nutrients remain in the mix, just not freshly added ones is all. flushing wont apply to my grow habits unless I am using a hydro fed system, and I never would run plain water at the end. theres always a weaker ppm on the chart suggested though. (they losing money left and right?)

doc who does not feed to the end btw.
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No not a reference.... heh.... It was another attempt to bring a simple analogy into how some are telling others that their preference is wrong.

I'll keep it simpler in the future though surely there are those of you that can bring lessons of seemingly unrelated material and apply them in other fields?

How is not feeding wasting money when the addition of any feed is directly related to the cost of food overhead?
The answer lies within the analogy. Those who flush.

You presented a false equivalency by pretending that the difference between flushing and not flushing is as inconsequential as choosing a condiment.
You misread, let me try to convey that again...

I simply prefer flowers that I am going to consume with a nice end of run flush over those that have been fed up to cut.