
I never said any yeilds would be different, I was simply saying I think it can help taste in certain situations, and can save plants that have been burnt.

If you grow two sets of overfertilized bud but with one you flushed in the last week..... your telling me theres a taste difference..... please, weve all tried this old chestnut before and come up fail more times than we care to remember.
Exactly, take one plant cut it down burnt. Take the other and let
It go another week or two while flushing. Makes it WAAAY better!

Plain and simple, if you can't see that then cool man. Don't flush. Those of us who occasionally fuck up or even have reason to believe their plants may be a tad over fed can flush if we want... Knowing it will make for a better product even if it's a little late.

If you grow two sets of overfertilized bud but with one you flushed in the last week..... your telling me theres a taste difference..... please, weve all tried this old chestnut before and come up fail more times than we care to remember.
So again, why would a nutrient manufacturer suggest a 3-5 day flushing of the plant? They aren’t selling a product to assist in flushing.

For the same reason people believe in any pseudoscience. They come up with a theory filled with assumptions, start believing its fact, then start telling other people as if they're experts. They feed off of each other, and take pride in the fact they they 'know better' than anyone else. Nutrient manufacturers are really just people just like you and me, you know. Most where just Joe Blow who decided to start a company, got on the internet, did some reading, then went to dad for a million dollar loan. Don't ever assume that because someone owns a company means they know what they're talking about.
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I never said any yeilds would be different, I was simply saying I think it can help taste in certain situations, and can save plants that have been burnt.

I may have not been here long, but I've been growing awhile now. Im here to learn really, I just like to question shit.

I truly believe there's something inside bud that can make it burn black and crappy, maybe even not a nutrient, and I think whatever it is its levels can be lowered a little by a good flush.

On a side note I think when people bring anything "nature" into indoor cultivation arguments it becomes invalid. Nature is extremely harsh and unforgiving. Using it as a "control" for comparison is completely useless when comparing to artificial grows. We
Took it out of nature already, why try and replicate conditions now.
Believe what you like. Can't really debate maybe in certain situations, what if's, how bouts, i heard or I read in hightimes. The actual science is there if you look. http://vric.ucdavis.edu/pdf/fertilization_Woodashes.pdf
Maybe it didn't rain long enough for these trees to be flushed properly??
What does that prove, high nutrient levels like used in indoor grows aren't found in natural environments.

Yes there is potassium and a little phosphorous in ash but where are you going with that? There's no nitrogen.... Maybe it's only the nitrogen that causes it?

There's also a whole list of other metals and other shit... What if those metals are causing it...some of which convert to oxides and may release gasses in the process, of these I'm sure some are more water soluble than others and would come out or be expelled by "starving" the source.

You are right there is science behind it, but it doesn't at all lean to one side.

Believe what you like. Can't really debate maybe in certain situations, what if's, how bouts, i heard or I read in hightimes. The actual science is there if you look. http://vric.ucdavis.edu/pdf/fertilization_Woodashes.pdf
Maybe it didn't rain long enough for these trees to be flushed properly??

There's a lot of people on both sides.

One good point, every cannabis cup entry for the last 7 years has been flushed I hear.

Can't argue with the masters man! Lol jk
How can you say it is a good point when you say you "heard" they flush. Show that in print somewhere.

The Cannabis Cup is a corporate event that does not involve the best growers in the world.
How can it be the best growers when it is isolated to a select group and not open for everyone to compete?.
Any Cannabis Cup Winners on this site?
They would be afraid to compete against us here. You are just talking crap now, that is what we hate, not when someone speculates out loud but when they try to sell bullshit as truth.
I would say farmers don't grow 10 types of one species in a crop either. Nature doesn't intervene with an indoor grow, farming has mass more variables, plants have been genetically modified to be more resistant to excess pesticides and chemicals, it rains whenever it wants outside, there's all sorts of reasons that isn't a good example.

Yea if they are over fertilized somethings a miss.....good one captain obvious lol. Nutrients build up in the soil over time, that means more time= more buildup. So toward the end chances are higher.

If you are over fertilizing at any time of a grow and you have to flush.... Something could be a miss or you could just be growing cannabis. Shit happens lol.

If you've never burned a plant great job!! You're the best grower ever and deserve a Medal of Honor for your efforts sir!

I think many burn and need to flush because of all the magic juice labeled "nutrients" they get suckered into buying.

Question...will I get an actual medal?
Personal experience....This current batch of non-flushed weed seems inferior to me, as I’m seeing the bowl sputter and spark as flame is applied.

It’s worth the week of pouring fresh clean water for a week.
How can you say it is a good point when you say you "heard" they flush. Show that in print somewhere.

The Cannabis Cup is a corporate event that does not involve the best growers in the world.
How can it be the best growers when it is isolated to a select group and not open for everyone to compete?.
Any Cannabis Cup Winners on this site?
They would be afraid to compete against us here. You are just talking crap now, that is what we hate, not when someone speculates out loud but when they try to sell bullshit as truth.
Here is a H&G feed chart. Check out the 3-5 day flush at the end.

Please note that H&G sells NO product for flushing. They are not making additional income by putting a 3-5 day flush at the end of their chart schedule.

For the same reason people believe in any pseudoscience. They come up with a theory filled with assumptions, start believing its fact, then start telling other people as if they're experts. They feed off of each other, and take pride in the fact they they 'know better' than anyone else. Nutrient manufacturers are really just people just like you and me, you know. Most where just Joe Blow who decided to start a company, got on the internet, did some reading, then went to dad for a million dollar loan. Don't ever assume that because someone owns a company means they know what they're talking about.
What benefits are gained by suggesting a flush.

By the logic of many here, it would lead to the assumption that they make an inferior product that needs to be flushed out.

Also, not to you, but in general, comparing industrial level farming to growing weed in a tent seems ludicrous.
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You obviously don't read much, did you even look anything up before spouting all that nonsense? Anyone can compete in the high times cannabis cup! Look here!


And as far as the entries being flushed, i only heard that... But let me look for a second.

Here's a picture of part of the entry FAQ. They are judged in burnability and flushing.

Even though that doesn't prove that they all flush, it's definately a big deal if they are judged on it.

Seems like you just don't like high times, having the attitude that you are better than their best growers just shows how good you really are.

Usually when someone spouts out how smart they are its the opposite that's true.

We could do this all day, I provide links and info and you discredit them without any real proof or science to back you up,

To prove my point you just told me to show in print that they all flush....but then right after that you say they aren't good growers and basically you wouldn't listen to what they had to say anyway. So why would I need to provide that? You're so much better than them you don't care correct?

You have every right to compete with them and come back here with your results and prove me wrong, I provided you the link the rest is up to you!

You keep referring to yourself as the entire forum or like you speak for everyone when you open your mouth! Just proves my point more, you are just a hard headed person, it seems you would deny the truth if it was right in front of you.

How can you say it is a good point when you say you "heard" they flush. Show that in print somewhere.

The Cannabis Cup is a corporate event that does not involve the best growers in the world.
How can it be the best growers when it is isolated to a select group and not open for everyone to compete?.
Any Cannabis Cup Winners on this site?
They would be afraid to compete against us here. You are just talking crap now, that is what we hate, not when someone speculates out loud but when they try to sell bullshit as truth.
You obviously don't read much, did you even look anything up before spouting all that nonsense? Anyone can compete in the high times cannabis cup! Look here!


And as far as the entries being flushed, i only heard that... But let me look for a second.

Here's a picture of part of the entry FAQ. They are judged in burnability and flushing.

View attachment 4037899
Even though that doesn't prove that they all flush, it's definately a big deal if they are judged on it.

Seems like you just don't like high times, having the attitude that you are better than their best growers just shows how good you really are.

Usually when someone spouts out how smart they are its the opposite that's true.

We could do this all day, I provide links and info and you discredit them without any real proof or science to back you up,

To prove my point you just told me to show in print that they all flush....but then right after that you say they aren't good growers and basically you wouldn't listen to what they had to say anyway. So why would I need to provide that? You're so much better than them you don't care correct?

You have every right to compete with them and come back here with your results and prove me wrong, I provided you the link the rest is up to you!

You keep referring to yourself as the entire forum or like you speak for everyone when you open your mouth! Just proves my point more, you are just a hard headed person, it seems you would deny the truth if it was right in front of you.
You Ignored this: Show that in print somewhere.
I'm busting balls if there are any cup winners out their listening. Of course I think they are great growers. I also think among the best on this site they would just be another great grower as the rest, nothing more, I think they know that, it is not a bad thing, it is a compliment to them.
What benefits are gained by suggesting a flush.

By the logic of many here, it would lead to the assumption that they make an inferior product that needs to be flushed out.

Also, not to you, but in general, comparing industrial level farming to growing weed in a tent seems ludicrous.
They get you to 'buy in' to their methods, which will lead to you actually buying their products, whether they be flushing related or not. They probably believe the flushing stuff. I'm not saying they are dishonest. Most people who believe in pseudoscience are not dishonest - they are just foolish.