Flying High Noobie..

Will soon start my first time ever in the mitten.

So I am soaking up as much info as I can..
I am a patient and economicaly challenged so I must grow my own as I cant afford MM care giver ..
I hope to be able to do a very small perpetual grow to keep me in Meds.. maybe 3 or 4 plants..

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
so your the goddess of tossing salad eh? Nice! :eyesmoke: I toss a mean salad every now and then:lol:

welcome to RIU, enjoy the forums 8)
These Forums are the best place to start for beginners like myself I haven't even start my first grow yet. Planning to go gorilla style out door but the weather out here is el ninoish hot then cold. Any tips are welcome on how to combat weather issues thinking bout a gorilla greenhouse effect. My expections are high for my first time because I feel I how the know how part down and it's weed. It wants to survive just dont fuck up the harvest and you should have personal buds in 2 to 4 months how fasinating.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey dude. Wish I could help you there but I can't, no el niño weather here so I have no experince there. A bad day of weather for me would be clouds getting in the way of the sun:D LOL
Nah...I am a female for sure ...pure female if I were pot I would be a Sativa plant..
For real though...
Wouldnt it be a pot O' gold if I found a very appealing farmer some where on the valley of the green and he dont have to ba a giant either either

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
heheheh. well, no love connection forum here, sorry:( ...but how old are you? maybe I might be your connection. I'm single too. I'm an aries who loves walks on the beach and loves to have fun:mrgreen: so what it do with you? show me what you working with:D
Oh I relate to that...I love the beach, I am a former flight my beach destinations...I was widowed kinda a while ago..
Been single for a long time I guess, but decided this year I am gonna change that and be open to some change..
I ama Cancer with accendant and moon in Leo, Venus in Gemini...norht node in Aquarious..I am ?, I was widowed at 43 and It was kinda a shock to my system and I thought that was it..
But life goes on and after a while it doesnt make too much sense to be solo...Hey I love to dance love music..especially on the beach you could dance with me or just watch lol..howz that for some fun?
Yes you just might be my connection.Nothing ventured nothing gained

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
well GreenGoddess, sounds inticing but I might be too young for you. I'm just a 36 yr old whippersnapper. a night with me might end up with you getting a heartattack or something:lol: ..I do know a guy on this forum who is in your range and would knock you off your feet. his name is CrackerJax. hear he's quite a catch. and I hear he likes to dance also. a true tiger.:bigjoint:

enjoy the forums!! :leaf:
Well Dr., and in another scenario you may find yourself trying to snatch the pebble from my hand lol...
I dont think I would have a heart attack as you stated..but point taken...
All in jest and good taste Dr.