Flying Into Denver..


Well-Known Member
hey guys - hoping someone can help me out. Medical patient from Canada, no paperwork stateside.

Flying in and won't be on the ground (out of airport) until after 8pm. Any recreational dispensaries available after 8pm on a Monday night?

Any other advice much appreciated.
I think there are several that stay open late, just google when u get there to see what's closest to where you are in denver.
I tried that, there were a few that are open until midnight.
Wasn't sure if there is low quality places or if they're all above par?
Most shops in Aurora are open late enough to help you.

Denver county will all be closed by the time you get into the state.
Wasn't sure if there is low quality places or if they're all above par?

depends on what you are used to smoking. i think they are below par compared to what i toke. and expensive as hell too.

don't forget to try our colorado breweries too. great divide and prost are both kick ass.
im going this july plane lands at 745 did you find any good ones near denver??? i saw a blue building with a drive thru on the cnbc but i cant find them online??? they are open till midnight
im going this july plane lands at 745 did you find any good ones near denver??? i saw a blue building with a drive thru on the cnbc but i cant find them online??? they are open till midnight

There are no drive-thru dispensaries.
There are a few rec shops open until midnight.

By law, medical sales end at 7PM.