Flying white dots


Well-Known Member
I had five plants, three grown from seed and two mother plants. They were all two/three weeks into flowering when one of the plants got eggs behind its fan leaves.
As soon as I saw that I cut the infested plant and took it away. Then I cut almost all the fan leaves from the other plants. I found some infested fan leaves but they were not as bad as the first plant.
This was two days ago and I did not do anything else.

I inspected the plants thoroughly today, took a hundred macro pictures from backside of all remaining fan leaves and flowers. suprisingly I didn't´t find much! I only found two leaves with a couple of eggs on them.

The culprits I think are flying white dots, do you know what they are and how to get rid of them?

I hate to cut the flowering period short but I don´t think there is another choice?

I normally reveg my plants, any chance I could reveg these safely?



Well-Known Member
Possibly white flies. Start a preventitive spray program with something like neem oil. Yes white flies cause damage as they feed on your plant matter but the worst thing about them is they could be hosting mites aswell as diseases which could easily infest your room


Well-Known Member
Possibly white flies. Start a preventitive spray program with something like neem oil. Yes white flies cause damage as they feed on your plant matter but the worst thing about them is they could be hosting mites aswell as diseases which could easily infest your room
I didn´t know about neem oil, and a quick search of the word gave me a ton of information. Thanks man!