Something to keep in mind, based on a serious inconvenience that a friend of mine is going through right now...
The weight and plant limits established in SB420 were supposedly struck down (found unconstitutional) in the case of People vs. Kelly. This was great news, BUT, does not mean that law enforcement can't shake you down and extract a little cash. My friend was caught with trash bag full of trim. He was pulled over for a "burned out tail light", which was not in fact burnt out. In other words, he was picked up for "driving while hippy". Long story short, he was faced with a decision of whether to pay an approximately $5,000 "fee" to avoid court and keep a clean record, or go hire a lawyer and attempt to fight the charges in court. In theory, the fight would be winnable based on the precedent set by People vs. Kelly, but the end cost would have FAR exceeded the $5,000 "fee", and there was no guarantee that he would have won...
If that isn't a good ol' fashioned police shakedown, I don't know what is...