Flying with my meds?


Well-Known Member
Can i bring my medicine on an airplane from LAX? i do have a valid medical marijuana lisence. If anybody knows how much can i bring, and can i bring it anywhere?? whats the deal.


Active Member
Don't, It will be a federal possession charge. Not worth it. Even if seems like they are just fucking with you: cool you out for a while and keep your weed, they would likely put you on a list that could cause real problems. there is no way that it is worth it. I don't fly with mj and cramped flying exacerbates the pain that led me to mj in the first place.


Well-Known Member
If you truly cannot go without try some baked goods. The dogs will still probably smell it but if you gotta have it...


Well-Known Member
You can put it in your anus. But the last thing you want to do is go to supermax prison with all those terrorists in Colorado. Since its a federal prison and you broke federal rules lol. Of Course I am stoned and dont know shit about federal rules but its nice to dream right? What can you do though. put your medical license in the air before they handcuff you?


Well-Known Member
The feds don't recognize state MMJ laws. To them its no different than someone who just smokes for shits and giggles.


Well-Known Member
The feds don't recognize state MMJ laws. To them its no different than someone who just smokes for shits and giggles.
Oh ok lol. Well if he is a medical card holder then he can fly with it. Thats like a person who is prescribed 120 vicodins (yes people do get that many, I've worked in a pharmacy). They dont give a shit cause he was prescribed it.


Well-Known Member
be a damn shame to get rolled at LAX
If they tried to arrest me at lax, I'd yell and say,"I'm a fucking medical user, look everyone look at what they're doing to us, looooook!!!!!!" Of Course people would smile then get on their flights but it raises awareness and awareness is deadly.


Well-Known Member
so... i totally agree with everyone who says that trying to fley with bud is a BAD idea bu my mom flew from Veromnt to Cali with some bud and she was fine i know someone who flew from CA to maui with bud and made it. It may not be a good idea but you can do it. i am somewhat drunk.. and have been smoking both suoer silver haze and BLUE crack. so excuse me if i HVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FICK I AM SAYING. i LOVE CALI!!!!


Well-Known Member
I am flying out of LAX in a few days and have thought the same thing. As long as there are no dogs and you do not put your meds in a metal container it shouldn't be a problem. But it is risky.


Well-Known Member
Oh ok lol. Well if he is a medical card holder then he can fly with it. Thats like a person who is prescribed 120 vicodins (yes people do get that many, I've worked in a pharmacy). They dont give a shit cause he was prescribed it.
So go ahead and fly with some weed and let them know you have it. After you get out of prison let us know how it went :rolleyes:

It's totally different with a med that can legally be prescribed under federal law than with pot which isnt
LAX and SFO (Los Angeles and San Fransisco) are now allowing patients to fly with thier meds!!!!!:) The amount is unclear, but if your not taking more than a qp you should be good. Just stay under your limits.


Well-Known Member

I call bullshit on your post.

TSA employees are Federal employees and they are governed by federal law not California law.

Another thing to consider is that crossing state lines with illicit products constitutes another violation.


Well-Known Member
I can fly from all the airports in my area, and all 3 will allow me to carry up to 8 ounces of my medicine with me on the plane. See the link below for the article on it from an area newspaper...

Also, the airports are the jurisdiction of the local pd or sheriffs department and TSA automatically refers all cases of possible contraband to them, which is why we can fly out of cali with our meds.
