Flying with weed.

When I think of flying with weed I think of this:

Strapped down in the belly of this:
I have taken two large viles of honey oil pre911. They where the same size as AA batteries so I put them in my walkman's battery compartment. I was 11 yrs old.

across the nation flight. /edit
Bring hash not flowers but I don't fly unless maybe I'm leaving the country but I would probably have put it in my ass crack just never been through security since 9/11 been on a bus but that's easy they don't have security.
I haven't flown since I was a kid on a family vacation to Florida.. My uncle flies all the time n just puts joints in his pocket... He's older n said he's never had a problem.. If its not metal ..why can't ya put a bag in your pocket?

One of my buddies emptied out a toothpaste tube and he put oil in there n made edibles in Jamaica.
Lot of risk for little reward. Some oil suspended in a glycerine mix and packed along with some "e-cig juice" and then buying a new atomizer when you get to your destination to use and throw out before leaving would be a much safer and smarter way to do that. Or, you know, don't smoke for a few days.
Get one of these co2 oil pens. They look like ecigs
Good idea and I actually thought about that, problem is that I live in a non legal state and have no idea where to get oil.. On the flip side I do have time (lil over a year) and I do grow so I guess I could learn how to make my own.. How difficult is that? Seems like something u would know how to do based on pics and post I've seen from u.. I'm subbed on the basement grow.. Looks awesome btw
I always wanted to get a really fat chick to hit Colombia or Peru with me for a week or two.. Glue a few bricks of pure coke under her fat rolls n put her in thin dress .. Even a search at the airport they ain't going to lift up fat rolls n look under.
Those full body scanners can see everything in your pockets or strapped to your dick so good luck with that. Put it in your carry on. They're just looking for metal.
I just tied it to my cock in a sock, luckily I have a small dick so it just looks like I might have an average sized penis.

May not work for everyone really depends on dick size
I basically did that for a concert I had a pipe bud and hash and wore a wife beater made a pocket with it by tucking it in but pulling the bottom out they where patting everyone down but thankfully they didn't grab my cock. Did the same at another concert and they just asked if I had a weapon no pat down or nothing. Almost like tieing it to your dick only easier and no worring about your balls sweating on it.
Hanchorage to Hawaii. She also went on a Mexican cruise that way too. You got a woman going along on cruise? Carefully roll up a quads or half oz in saran then finally a condom. Add a tampon string and wa LA a mj tampon! Not that bad at all. Snug & secure. What fuckin bodyscan! Just make sure get all stems etc out. Smashis & forms to ur body. Its a good thing.bout a cruise ship? Anyone take smoke with them on a cruise? I'm going on my first one next year and I don't like the thought of no smoke for a week.. Having never been on one I don't know what to expect.. Any tips or should I not consider taking on the boat?
Hey my bff put a sack in a shampoo bottle fly from anch
There are no huge vaginas only small peniss. Watch it on curb with Larry David you'all laugh you ass off! Soooo funny