Flying with weed


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for opinions and or advice on flying with a small amt of marijuana packed in my suitcase which will be checked in. Thanks in advance.
Seriously, though. When I'm flying somewhere, this is what I do: I get few hangers from the dry cleaners, the ones with the hollow, cardboard tube across the bottom. I carefully remove the tube and open one end, then I start shoving in tiny buds/shake and start packing it down with a thin dowel. Once it's tightly packed (I usually fit an eighth in easily) I then open the other end and shove in a foam earplug and do the same for the other side, close up the ends, and make it a hanger again. I hang my collared shirts on those buttoned all the way up. The weed can be a real bitch to get out of the tube, sometimes it's easiest to just break it in half and spill it out. I only do this with my carry on, never check those bags. I never had a problem, but once had a REALLY close call: I was at a tiny airport out east that I drove into, and only had a one way ticket. I was 'randomly' taken out of line to have my bags checked, I think the one way ticket sparked that. The guard and I spoke casually about random shit while he took out the shirts one by one, he even checked their pockets! No problems, I packed it up and got on my plane...
Seriously, though. When I'm flying somewhere, this is what I do: I get few hangers from the dry cleaners, the ones with the hollow, cardboard tube across the bottom. I carefully remove the tube and open one end, then I start shoving in tiny buds/shake and start packing it down with a thin dowel. Once it's tightly packed (I usually fit an eighth in easily) I then open the other end and shove in a foam earplug and do the same for the other side, close up the ends, and make it a hanger again. I hang my collared shirts on those buttoned all the way up. The weed can be a real bitch to get out of the tube, sometimes it's easiest to just break it in half and spill it out. I only do this with my carry on, never check those bags. I never had a problem, but once had a REALLY close call: I was at a tiny airport out east that I drove into, and only had a one way ticket. I was 'randomly' taken out of line to have my bags checked, I think the one way ticket sparked that. The guard and I spoke casually about random shit while he took out the shirts one by one, he even checked their pockets! No problems, I packed it up and got on my plane...
How fast did your heart drop when you told you were getting checked ?

I would have needed to change my boxers once I got on plane...