I am curious if anyone has ever used the Flylab H2FLO? I just bought one from a smoke shop near me which I did not know was in my town. So I walked in looking for a new vaporizer, he asked my budget and I said around $200, he pulled out a few like the Gpen Pro, and Titan II which I already have. The Titan is okay but I had burning plastic smells which sketched me out, don't wanna inhale plastic so I decided to get a new vaporizer. So I kind of looked past those, the next one he pulled out was the Flytlab H2FLO and I knew immediately that was my match. I realized after he let me hold it, its made of metal which shocked me, has a carb attachment, water filter attachment, glass attachment. The only down side is there is no temp control so I dont know what temp it bakes at, BUT it evenly browns it beautifully and creates very powerful hits with lots of vapor. It is quiet the beast. And it looks like a damn lightsabor! I was sold as soon as I seen it so I bought it lol But the main reason I started this thred is cause I don't see much about it, or why this is not known or recommended as a top quality vaporizer like the Solo, PAX, and so on? In my opinion it beats every other portable vaporizer I have tried and it is only $200. I also want to know if anyone else has tried it and what they think of it?