fml, this is bad

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
HAha, no worries :D As i said, i could just be reading it all wrong and that was not what he was meaninng. "sure you can say that" sounds like he is questioning whether you are allowed, "sure, you can say that" would be to agree with you and not question it at all, unless it was then stated sarcastically which well, sarcasm rarely works online :D


Well-Known Member
punctuation matters on a marijuana forum how? if you can read what i say thats all that i care about. people need to stop getting their panties in such a bunch either that or some of you guys need a vacation to mellow out
Frankly your the only one who seems to have panties all in a bunch. Maybe your too stoned, nobody was calling you out. You just started cussing and telling people what to do. Just relax.


Active Member
Frankly your the only one who seems to have panties all in a bunch. Maybe your too stoned, nobody was calling you out. You just started cussing and telling people what to do. Just relax.
Relax sir my name is herecomestheganjabass , sir you need to relax this is airport security people lives are in stake im not going to ask you again. you better relax and wear my moms panties... Ha he is a joke XD
Frankly your the only one who seems to have panties all in a bunch. Maybe your too stoned, nobody was calling you out. You just started cussing and telling people what to do. Just relax.
Nope i'm pretty sure it's my boxers that are in a bunch. i saw skrillex's new video release for First of the Year on his EP more scary monster and sprites looked behind me lo and behold i got blasted by a little girl :(

kbo ca

Active Member
Tell them that unfortunately you are out of the area but will be abck in the morning if there is any alternative time that might suit them. seems one of those situations where you've better chance by not going and hoping they re-schedule than going and turning up looking like a bedraggled waster. I only ever hear "FML" from a certain type of people ;)
good advice here.