F'n Georgia... We have a looooong way to go

I've never partied with more than a dozen or so at a time much less 70.
It's a B/S hassle that I hope doesn't hold up in court & maybe they can push for some false arrest retribution.
The cops were pissed off plain and simple & tried to hold everyone responsible.

Once again, Pure Bull Shit.

I see about 50 getting to pay court costs and a small fine and/or a court support ( I forget exactly what it is called in ga) 20 or so paying lawyers to keep their records clean. Ga has a nasty court system that keeps people paying for probation officer fees forever . The last water treatment plant I worked on the whole crew of about 60 people had to report ever day by phone, it looked like a line at the DMV to call from the office ( phone number being proof of where they were ) because they were calling an automated system.
I remember frat rush parties in school with that many people or more.

You didn't even know most of them, just the small crew you went in with to check it out.

How the fuck would I knew whose weed they were passing me? I just hit it and passed it to the next guy.
Most of y'all know I work at a university and I do side work for fraternity houses so I get invited to party's all the time and ......
Best. Advice. Ever.

And who the fuck does something illegal then admits to it when there no evidence you did it? Taco is fucking :dunce:. With his logic cops could arrest a whole stadium of people if they find an unclaimed joint, or a whole city block because they found a rock of crack in the bushes.

People who join the police force are not mental giants. Suburbanite fluff will not challenge you mentally either. I see this as competing temper tantrum. Spoiled rotten millennial suburbanite fluff thinking there is no way a cop is going to bust his new year's eve party and a similar less educated millennial thinking how dare anyone disrespect the 'uniform'.

Judges often support poor decision made by officers in the field. I would love to know the outcome of this, but I suspect 70 people will have to pay a fine (and lawyer in some cases).

There is no letter or spirit of the law here... The tickets issues were not about weed. They were about hurting a cops feelings. The kids fucked up and they are going to pay a small fine for it (we've all been there). Ages 19-25, they are old enough to know better when dealing with mental midgets on the police force. How old were you the first time you were punched or kicked by a cop?
So not only did you go FULL MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE Retard, you deiced to pepper in a lot of racism too. Makes A TON of sense that not only are you stupid, ignorant, bat shit crazy, completely alone, and pathetic...you are ALSO A RACIST! WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED THAT!?!?!

It's like one giant piece of dog shit got rolled into a giant piece of horse shit and then set on fire.

I have yet to see you respond with any bit of sound logic or a concise point. I am gonna chalk this up to a victory on my end.

Oh, and just in case you weren't aware, white people commit crimes too, specially poor trash like you and your inbred puddle of shit brown river trash.

Also, the second you said "young black youths", we all stopped paying attention. Also please post where you found the information about them finding guns etc and getting a warrant to go back and search the residence, because I did a pretty good search and not a single news site, even the one that reported it, has an update or mentions any of the racist shit you said. Again, we can fact check and tell you are lying dude...why keep doing it?
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People who join the police force are not mental giants. Suburbanite fluff will not challenge you mentally either. I see this as competing temper tantrum. Spoiled rotten millennial suburbanite fluff thinking there is no way a cop is going to bust his new year's eve party and a similar less educated millennial thinking how dare anyone disrespect the 'uniform'.

Judges often support poor decision made by officers in the field. I would love to know the outcome of this, but I suspect 70 people will have to pay a fine (and lawyer in some cases).

There is no letter or spirit of the law here... The tickets issues were not about weed. They were about hurting a cops feelings. The kids fucked up and they are going to pay a small fine for it (we've all been there). Ages 19-25, they are old enough to know better when dealing with mental midgets on the police force. How old were you the first time you were punched or kicked by a cop?
Whose sock are you?