FnShaggy's Strain: Hippy Beater

I grow indoors, so I don't think so.
Pollen Chucker is a reference of those who don't breed responsibly. I highly doubt you carefully selected those plants because of their perfect traits and genetic compatibility Not to mention your already talking about crossing your already just crossed strains.... That ofcorse is going to result in bad unstable genetics and mutations. Thus making you a pollen chucker... You are contributing to the weakening and desecration of cannabis genetics. I wouldn't grow your appellation inbred mutants if you paid me.
Pollen Chucker is a reference of those who don't breed responsibly. I highly doubt you carefully selected those plants.

Well that's not me, and your assumption about me is wrong. These plants were stressed, and the BEST (tallest fastest maturing/flowering was what I was looking for) were bred together, as well as the worst (the yellowest shortest plants were bred with the yellowest shortest plants) The good one will be called "Hippy Beater" and the "bad" one will be called "Short Bus". My goal with Hippy beater is eventually to breed a very resilient, very fast growing, very fast flowering plant and eventually put some good indica genetics from India/Arabic countries in it. Then with the short bus my goal is to make it a big mess of recessive genes and see what cool I can do with it, because I'm sure something awesome will show up in a few generations.
Stress makes stronger roots, and more alkaloid content.
Well that's not me, and your assumption about me is wrong. These plants were stressed, and the BEST (tallest fastest maturing/flowering was what I was looking for) were bred together, as well as the worst (the yellowest shortest plants were bred with the yellowest shortest plants) The good one will be called "Hippy Beater" and the "bad" one will be called "Short Bus". My goal with Hippy beater is eventually to breed a very resilient, very fast growing, very fast flowering plant and eventually put some good indica genetics from India/Arabic countries in it. Then with the short bus my goal is to make it a big mess of recessive genes and see what cool I can do with it, because I'm sure something awesome will show up in a few generations.
thankyou for completely validating what I had to say, this is just more backing for my statement! Breeding two unhealthy plants is only going to result in MORE unhealthy plants! This was by no means intentional you just ended up with a stressed plant and then made the decision to breed. It's completely irresponsible and bad practice. Im sure you wont even take the time to stabilize the mess you just made.... Short buss how appropriate
Moisture stress may as much as double the alkaloid content. Nutrients, on the other hand, have been shown to have
a negative effect on the alkaloid content - adequate fertilization may
in fact lower the total alkaloid content. And stressing decreases the
leaf mass. So you must walk the fine line between these two.
Mechanical stress - A much ignored method of significantly increasing alkaloid buildup. The Cactus is cut or gouged in several places to simulate predator damage. The stem can also be girdled by wire, twisted or bent. Care should be taken when penetrating the skin, use sterile techniques to minimize the chance of infection. Although infection would be a major stress on the plant, it would probably die before any useful effects were manifest. Stressing has been practiced on marijuana for millennia in certain parts of the world, to increase potency.
I really want to try this one, but with weed: Chemical doping - There has been some pioneering work in this area done by Adam Gottlieb.
Increasing the levels of the precursors that lead to mescaline has proven to be a relatively quick and effective way to significantly increase the level of mescaline in a Cactus. There are three major precursors to mescaline, namely dopa, tyramine and dopamine. During mescaline synthesis in the plant, tyrosine is broken down into tyramine and dopa. These then combine to form dopamine, which is later converted to nor-mescaline, and of course mescaline.
It is possible to take advantage of this synthesis route, and use it to vastly increase the mescaline content of the Cactus that will be harvested.
This method can be used successfully on any mescaline bearing Cacti. The steps are as follows:
1. Withhold water from the plant 2 weeks prior to doping. This helps the plant to absorb any injected material more readily.
2. Prepare a saturated solution of free-base dopamine in a .05 N solution of HCL. If dopamine is not available a second best alternative is to use a mixture of tyramine and dopa.
3. Inject approximately 5cc of the solution, half towards the bottom of the plant by the roots. Inject the other half into the green tissue at the base of the plant, and in several other spots up the stem. Do this slowly ,carefully, leaving the needle in place for a few seconds to allow absorption.
4. Wait 4 to 8 weeks before harvest to let the additives metabolize and convert to mescaline. I would not stress the plant during this period, as an actively growing plant is necessary for efficient metabolism.
5. The harvest can be delayed further and a series of booster injections can be given every 6 - 8 weeks to bolster alkaloid levels even more.
This is the idea behind the halogen, "simulate noon" Excess Sun and Heat - Too much Sun or heat will most definitely stress a live plant. It must be realized however, that increasing the alkaloids through stressing will greatly affect the plants growth rate, and might just kill it. Cactus can and do get sunburned, which can be fatal.
Do you even know what attributes come from what parents?! It's so upsetting to see people who don't take growing and breeding seriously... Cannabis is an art and a science which isn't something you come upon very often and there are some of us who will spend and have spent their lives honing our craft and taking pride in our work. You however have no respect for the craft or the people who practice it. You are a serious black mark on the face of the growing community.
If you really didn't want to stress your plants you would let them reproduce & you would smoke seedy bud
Do you even know what attributes come from what parents?!

Do you know how to read? I said I chose plants that were similar to each other, so ALL (wanted) attributes (Fast growth and Fast maturing) came from both parents. I will get more specific when I have time to grow 6 of 1 strain. But I want to breed other genetics in there first before I start getting into specific cross breeding of strains :)
Have you guys ever seen the southpark episode "the Death of Eric Cartman"? I feel very strongly that if we all treated finshaggy as such he would loose his audience thus ruining him! Seriously I'm starting the Boycott of FinShaggy! Viva la Boycott!
It's so upsetting to see people who don't take growing and breeding seriously...
That I understand, and I agree, but this is not "people", just a troll, not worth getting upset about. He'd have bigger chances of finding a good strain by throwing a bag of birds seeds on an ocean beach.
Have you guys ever seen the southpark episode "the Death of Eric Cartman"? I feel very strongly that if we all treated finshaggy as such he would loose his audience thus ruining him! Seriously I'm starting the Boycott of FinShaggy! Viva la Boycott!

I would LOVE if the trolls did this, then the old people that I used to talk to before I moved to Florida (the peak at which the trolls completely flooded my threads making them completely hostile to regular conversation) could start posting on my threads again. If you guys were to pay attention you would see the friendly posts every once in a while that decide not to post twice because of all the flaming.
God damned poser! How you gonna just decide you are, what you call "breeding" now? Cause you let a male seed your crop due to inexperience? This was a hash harvest if I am not mistaken! You seriously are pathetic, you can't just pretend your accidents are intentional. Named it before you smoked it too? Jesus you suck big time man! You have no idea what the fuck your doing but you have no qualms about fronting like you do, that's why I hate your sorry ass! No other reason, not because your plants look like shit or you yourself for that matter, not because of your ludicrous growing experiments that are rather fruitless, not even your spam bullshit and pointless threads, but just because you lie over and over again, trying to fool people into believing your bullshit growing practices! You can't grow shit lame-o! Go back to Texas!