Foilar feeding INDOOR


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I foilar feed a concoction I make from habanero peppers. The plants love it. Always look so vibrant after a good spray. This is outdoor though.

I'm concerned that if I go spraying this mix in the tent that I could cause some unwanted bacterial/mold growth on the walls of the tent from overspray. Is this the case? Have any of you had issues foilar spraying organics in the tent or am I over thinking this?
Habanero peppers are normally used for IPM sprays or to knock down pests, not to "feed" the plants... What else is in your concoction?

I simmer habanero and garlic until I get a beautiful golden spray. It main purpose is in fact pests, and works very well if I may say so, for the most does nothing for caterpillars, learned the hard way!

However the plants are always so perky and vibrant after spraying which leads me to believe they're getting some kind of nourishment from it as well.

I do plan to experiment adding other herbs to this.

What would you reccomend for a true foilar feed? Do you think over spray of the habanero on the tent walls will cause issues?

I simmer habanero and garlic until I get a beautiful golden spray. It main purpose is in fact pests, and works very well if I may say so, for the most does nothing for caterpillars, learned the hard way!

However the plants are always so perky and vibrant after spraying which leads me to believe they're getting some kind of nourishment from it as well.

I do plan to experiment adding other herbs to this.

What would you reccomend for a true foilar feed? Do you think over spray of the habanero on the tent walls will cause issues?

I dunno how much that is "feeding" them, so to speak. Most foliar feeds would be something like a water-soluble seaweed or fish type of thing (or salts if you're going that route), something that you could also water into the soil to feed the plants. Or a compost tea to increase the microbial populations on the leaf surface.

Would be interesting to see if you get the same results spraying them with plain water, or a weak mix of water-soluble nutrients, to compare.

I wouldn't worry about overspray on the tent walls either, as long as it dries up and you don't have moisture sitting on them you shouldn't get mold or mildew. Might be different if the walls are made of something that holds moisture, like drywall or wood, but that's a different story...
Dyna Gro Foliage Pro, 1/2 tsp./gallon, 1 tsp. of a surfactant like NIS (non ionic surfactant). I use this concoction on a commercial vinifera vineyard, field trees, greenhouse stock, etc. With a very complete micro package and a NPK of 9-3-6, it is the ticket.
I simmer habanero and garlic until I get a beautiful golden spray. It main purpose is in fact pests, and works very well if I may say so, for the most does nothing for caterpillars, learned the hard way!

However the plants are always so perky and vibrant after spraying which leads me to believe they're getting some kind of nourishment from it as well.

I do plan to experiment adding other herbs to this.

What would you reccomend for a true foilar feed? Do you think over spray of the habanero on the tent walls will cause issues?


Pop a habanero in your mouth and start chewing. I bet it perks you up too. :mrgreen:
I simmer habanero and garlic until I get a beautiful golden spray. It main purpose is in fact pests, and works very well if I may say so, for the most does nothing for caterpillars, learned the hard way!

However the plants are always so perky and vibrant after spraying which leads me to believe they're getting some kind of nourishment from it as well.

I do plan to experiment adding other herbs to this.

What would you reccomend for a true foilar feed? Do you think over spray of the habanero on the tent walls will cause issues?


A colossal waste of time

Make some hot sauce if you have extra habaneros
Whats with all the bro science when it comes to growing marijuana .... my favorite channel on YouTube is gardening in Canada, she's a soil scientist leave all bro ideas out the picture and go with what scientifically works AND why.

Some education reveals foilar spraying is 20x more effective than root uptake. I also foliar my cuttings with mycorrhizae (great white AND hydrogurard, fun fact I also spray my plants in soil with Hydro. 20221119_201225.jpg20221119_201227.jpg20221119_201342.jpg20221119_201348.jpg20221119_201418.jpg

Here's a few results from my cuttings I noticed yesterday after being told

"Tell me you don't know what your doing without saying you don't know what your doing' for spraying GWand hydro foliar in veg only of course and all cuttings no mater the method I'm using.

This is tricoderma or mycorrhizae itself one of the 2 pretty neat the new forming root is SO insane micro small however my theroy via science not bro science came in handy even a microscopic root will become infected with myco which will in every area help you get off to a GREAT start.

I'm TRULY curious and will experiment with a clone ONLY foliar feeding a hydro plant on 0 tds RO water, I could be wrong. I will he trashed on for it however ima leave the bro science out and dig deep in my own research and trials and errors, this is a fun game the more toy research the more you'll know the better you can do.

OP comments, I've sprayed with a NASTY strong (7 habaneros minced in a blender simmered till you choke and cry when you put your face over the pot, it worked very well imo I agree doesn't work on pillers but any and everything else takes a death trip including YOURSELF just be aware spraying inside brother fans OFF safety glasses or shades SOMETHING on and wear a painting mask or some type air filtration deal. I used none of the above on my 2x INDOOR spray of this I learned VERY quickly to take my damn shirt off cover my mouth and nose and GTFO asap. Brother I didn't notice a flourish from the spray I noticed everything toast I'd be willing to say imo I felt it may have DRIED out the leaves slightly and or def stripped the waxy layer off them, that's the only downfall I'd noticed
I foliar my urine for that boost of N
Whats with all the bro science when it comes to growing marijuana .... my favorite channel on YouTube is gardening in Canada, she's a soil scientist leave all bro ideas out the picture and go with what scientifically works AND why.

Some education reveals foilar spraying is 20x more effective than root uptake. I also foliar my cuttings with mycorrhizae (great white AND hydrogurard, fun fact I also spray my plants in soil with Hydro.

You’ve typed this same shit out 10 days in a row now daily

This is my very first attempt to ever touch any type of plant and ive done this In a hydro set up, I've probably already surpassed your growing skill from the way you talk, I could be wrong but I do garuntee by my next grow or 2 I'll absolutley surpass your pissing skills Jesus christ he actually said I piss on my shit smfh your probably saving so much money big guy, yup im still pulling out of a little bit of N def but we getting there like i said first time and i didnt want to burn them, so ill go easy on nutes and foliar feed as i up my ppm , i hope you learn to grow brother 20221120_111253.jpg20221120_111247.jpg