Foliar feeding solution strength?

What do you mean by "what source?"

Churchhaze is the source.

Foliar feeding is analogous to smoking through your asshole. Sure, it may "work", but you have a mouth for a reason. Foliar feeding can easily cause spots where the water evaporates.

never did make spots for me, unless you don't know what you're doing. you'll have to show me:i'm talking about spots on leaves, not blowing smoke up you're ass. that's disgusting!
Foliar feeding does more harm than good.

Sure, there might be times when it's useful, like trying to confirm deficiencies, but other than that, you should feed through the roots.

your source is wrong

"Contrary to alot of what people believe about growing marijuana, plants need to be regulaly sprayed and/or misted. Plants do and will feed off of nutrients supplied to their leaves with a nutrient solution mixture. Foliar feeding can give your plants a quick boost for a bigger, better, and overall higher yeilding harvest."

here is the full article
What do you mean by "what source?"

Churchhaze is the source.

Foliar feeding is analogous to smoking through your asshole. Sure, it may "work", but you have a mouth for a reason. Foliar feeding can easily cause spots where the water evaporates.

I have never attempted to rely on foliar feeding alone to nourish my plants.
I use this technique to rapidly correct any apparent deficiency.
It green 'em up way quicker than feeding thru roots.

A more accurate analogy would be intravenous feeding of a sick human.
Recovery is will sustain life... but is, in all probability not optimum.
*Thread returns after being hijacked...*

I am still interested in your ratios when foliar spraying compared to watering.
Even more so if you use BioBizz.

That would be awesome.:joint:
The thread was never hijacked... someone disagreeing with you doesn't mean they're hijacking the thread or "trolling". What a face-palm worthy statement to make. You're a snob to even suggest it.

A thread hijack is when somebody starts asking questions about their own grow. I was directly responding to YOU and yours.

*Thread returns after being hijacked...*

I am still interested in your ratios when foliar spraying compared to watering.
Even more so if you use BioBizz.

That would be awesome.:joint:
*Thread returns after being hijacked...*

I am still interested in your ratios when foliar spraying compared to watering.
Even more so if you use BioBizz.

That would be awesome.:joint:

that's a lot to ask for:getting a straight answer on this forum can be frustrating and many time down right funny! can't help with the Bio Buzz. Gl
It's frustrating when people come on here looking for advice, yet are only happy when you tell them exactly what they want to hear.

Foliar feeding is one of those controversies you always hear about. You know... those subjects with a lack of consensus.

that's a lot to ask for:getting a straight answer on this forum can be frustrating and many time down right funny! can't help with the Bio Buzz. Gl
Try starting a thread asking how you should go about defoliation and see how many people care to answer your question as asked. Instead, you will start a heated debate on whether you should defoliate or not. It's to be expected here.

It's obvious that my answer is "0 strength". You should foliar feed with air. Sorry I didn't answer your question.

You did not answer my question :/
Try starting a thread asking how you should go about defoliation and see how many people care to answer your question as asked. Instead, you will start a heated debate on whether you should defoliate or not. It's to be expected here.

It's obvious that my answer is "0 strength". You should foliar feed with air. Sorry I didn't answer your question.

Not everybody may agree with you. You could have guessed I was waiting for THEIR replies from my question.
To be safe I think at this point your best bet is to defoliate and then you should spray the fan leaves that you remove with what ever you want.

Was that some bad trolling or what?
I never asked about defoliation and "with what ever you want" is not a very helpful answer neither are your others even though this is your 4th answer(?) .
as said earlier, foliar is a supplementary way of supplying nutrients. using foliar applications alone won't get the job done.
my first answer is the correct answer, just because it is not the answer you were looking for dose not mean it is not right. You have the answer, it is just not the one you like, it says on the bottle how much to use for foliar feeding.
my first answer is the correct answer, just because it is not the answer you were looking for dose not mean it is not right. You have the answer, it is just not the one you like, it says on the bottle how much to use for foliar feeding.

This explains all.
You didn't even comprehend what this thread is about.
This is years later that I am reading this thread , but it is sad that Commander Strax hijacked this thread. Insisting that he was right is childish and fanatical. Especially since tons of research contradicts him. Shame on him for his fanaticism. He just shut down the conversation like a bully at best, or to be generous, a big baby.

in any case, I can attest that it does work, and to answer the original question, I use around 100-150 ppm (+the water which is about 180 ppm), but mainly for micronutrients (kelp-based). Since absorption from leaves is around 8x more, foliar sprays should be weaker.