Foliar Feeding with a fog machine?


Well-Known Member
Nope that's not what I'm saying at all, you can read all the shit you want on here but just because someone typed it doesn't mean that its true or fact. Your wasting your time trying to get "hard Data" just start growing some plants and you will understand what i'm saying. I'm not trying to be a dick but your arguing about stuff you have never even tried only "read" about. I know breeders that can pop out seeds but still don't know what the fuck their doing. I can give you an example if you'd like?


Active Member
Sorry for being confusing. Hard data would come from formal lab trials. Following conventonal test standards and protocols. See, I'm involved in these things in the real world, so when I have questions on issues, I look for objective lab studies. That way a lot of impression, opinion and marketing can (hopefully) be filtered out.

I was simply fishing for some links to these types of formal studies.

I see you're sincerely looking to help me Max, and I am grateful. I really am. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Well good cause you can never learn too much... I like to watch plant biology videos on youtube, there is alot a great ones on there. Go to youtube and type in plant biology and UCBerkley , those are some great videos


Active Member
That's a great tip Max. Again thank you. UC Berkley had some references in some articles I read. YouTube vids I was unaware of. Thanks. Hopefully I learn something.


Well-Known Member
Promix and soil, tried hydro a few years back but didn't care for it too much. Soil is much more forgiving


Active Member
That's about where I'm at right now. Did chem hydro and had so much fun inoculating my res with benefitial organisms I was hooked on Organic from that point on. Last "soil" run was mediocre, so I came to Roll I Up because of SuperCools soil discussions. I'm going to try that next.


Well-Known Member
Then you might wanna start doing some reading on "mycos" I just found out about it and I am absolutely in love with this stuff..


Active Member
I have no doubt that you could and would help, Max. It involved a very heavy coco base. Unconditioned coco, requiring conditioning with boiling water and calmag. I've abandoned that whole process and now have all the raw materials to run SubCool's Super Soil. Looking at 7 gallon pails with drilled out sides to approximate air pots a little. With all of the SuperSoil users here that have excellent results, it seemed like a safe landing pad. I'll try that at least once and see how that goes.

I have a tiny spot to grow, and do what I can.


Well-Known Member
Mack dre is a dead faggot,but that's neather here nor there,problems have ben solved.

As for the faggot comments a bet lance bass gets more pussy than an internet gangster such as your self,